
外研版英语八年级上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.随堂练 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:21030Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from Windows ※ 重点词汇英汉互译 earthquake brave calm helpful 警告 电力 不接触的 保持 ※ 重点短语&句子 stay away from 远离 keep clear of 不接触 It is difficult to warn people about earthquakes. 对人们进行地震预警是困难的。 In short,follow what you learnt in school. 简言之,遵从你在学校所学。 Be brave and be helpful. 你要勇敢并提供帮助 be careful of falling stones 小心掉落的滚石 keep calm 保持镇静 Do not stand near street lights or under power lines. 不要靠近路灯站立,也不要站在电线下面。 People have little idea about what to do during an earthquakes. 在地震中,人们不懂得要怎么办 You can be safe and you can also help save others. 你能是安全的,并能帮助挽救别人。 Ⅰ.单词拼写  1.I can’t imagine life without _____(电). 2.It was _____ (勇敢的)of him to save the boy from the river. 3.It’s cold outside. Let’s play _____(在……里面) the room. 4.An _____ (地震)happened in Wenchuan in 2008. 5.You should keep_____(镇静的)when you are in trouble. Ⅱ.词形变换 Pictures can be as _____ (power) as words. Our head teacher often _____ (warn) us not to swim in rivers or lakes. 3. This book is _____ (help) to your English study. 4. Remember to close all the_____(window)when you leave. 5. He speaks loudly so that we can hear him _____(clear). Ⅲ. 选词填空 shaking power Earthquakes mountains warn calm inside falling short outside (1)_____ always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to (2)_____ people about them. When an earthquake happens, you should keep (3)_____. If you are (4)_____, don’t jump out of high buildings and stay away from windows. When the ground stops (5)_____, you should leave the building quickly. If you are (6)_____, move away from buildings and don’t stand near street lights or under (7)_____ lines. Stay away from bridges and trees. If you are in the (8)_____, be careful of (9)_____ rocks. In (10)_____, follow what you learnt in school to help yourself and others.? IV. 单选 ( )1. Now he keeps clear _____ computer games.? at B. from C. of D. in ( )2. The sign warns the tourists _____ the animals.? to not feed B. not to feed C. don’t feed D. not feed ( )3. That _____ be Mr. Wang. He is in Japan with his wife now. A .can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. must ( )4. You?_____?be?late?for?school?again?next?time.? ??? A.?mustn’t?? B.?needn’t?? C.?don’t?have?to?? D.?don’t?need?to?? ( )5. It’s hot inside. Why not keep the door _____?? A. opened B. opening C. to open D. open Key: I. power brave inside  earthquake calm  Ⅱ. Powerful warns helpful windows clearly III. Earthquakes warn calm inside shaking outside power mountains falling short IV. CBAAD

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