
Unit 4 My classroom

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:15次 大小:4436806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 1、clean the blackboard 2、close the window 3、clean the desk 4、open the bag 5、close the book 6、close the pencil box one door two windows three boys four girls five pens six rulers seven bags eight books nine pencils ten books two doors three pens four blackboards five rulers six boxes seven pencils eight pencil boxes nine windows ten desks One, two. Go to school Three, four. Close the door. Five, six. Sit down, please. Seven, eight. You are late. Nine, ten. Don’t be late again. 1.去上学 2.关门 3.开门 3 擦窗户 4.打开盒子 5. --迟到 6. 上课迟到 7.上学迟到 8.你又迟到了。 9. 不要再迟到了。 翻译下列词组和句子 go to school close the door open the door clean the window open the box be late for -- be late for class be late for shcool You are late again . Don’t be late again. Reading and retell number things address 16 in my class 14 1 on the wall 11 numbers desks in the classroom 18 on the desks pencils 13 behind the chairs 19 new books boys girls blackboard on the blackboard 15 rubbers 17 on the teacher’s desk bags

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