
小升初英语 形容词和副词 专项训练(译林版(三起),含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:79次 大小:1215488Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 小升初形容词和副词 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。 1.old_____ 2.young_____ 3.tall_____ 4. long_____ 5.strong_____ 6.big____ 7.fat_____ 8.thin_____ 9.heavy_____ 10.excitedly_____ 11.nice_____ 12.good_____ 13.beautiful_____14.busy_____ 15.badly_____ 16.high_____ 17.slow_____ 18.fast_____ 19.late_____ 20.early_____ 21.far_____ 22.well_____ 二、翻译短语。 1.一则有趣的故事_____2.一样聪明_____ 3.漂亮的花儿_____ 4.有风的一天_____ 5.保持安静_____ 6.一座大城市_____ 7.大声地笑_____ 8.在……方面做得更好_____ 9.捡起它们_____ 10.飞得更高_____ 三、根据中文提示完成单词。 1.Does Li Ping swim as_____(快地)as you? 2.I am____(矮的)than Xiao jun.Is it in front of him·21教育网21世纪教育网版权所有 3.We can't go to the park.It's_____(多雨的)these days.21cnjy.com 4.The boy is very fat.He can't jump____(高). 5.I'm doing some cleaning.I'm_____(忙碌的)now. 6.SuHai_____(从不)goes to school late. 7.____(突然),he found a tiger in the forest. 8.This cartoon is one of the_____(滑稽的). 9.You look very_____(累的).You should have a rest. 10.--What____(别的)do you like doing?-I like skiing.2·1·c·n·j·y21 11.Who plays ball games_____(好),Mike,Tom or Jack?【·教 12.Your kite is flying_____(远)than Tom's. 13.The butterfly is flying_____(漂亮). 14.The girl runs_____(慢) than the boy. 15.They're talking_____(小声地)in class. 用所给的单词适当形式填空 1.It was_____(wind) yesterday.So we flew kites near the hill. 2.My shoes are_____(small) than hers. 3.The green box isn't as_____(heavy)as the blue one.21·世纪*教育网 4.Yang Ling can answer the question_____.(easy). 5.Who jumps_____(far)in your class? 6.Her pencil box is very_____(nice). 7.Is your pen pal as_____(old) as you? 8.Whose bag is_____(big) than yours in your class?【出处:21教育名师】 9.Can you speak_____(loud),Su Yang? 10.He is_____(fat)in his class. 11.Which is_____(strong),the elephant or the pig?21世纪教育网21-cn-jy.com 12.Fang fang is not as_____(tall) as the other girls.【版权所有:21教育】 13.-_____the girls get up_____(early)than the boys?-No,they_____ 14.Jim runs_____. But Ben runs_____.(slow) lt5.The lion said_____(angry),"I'll eat you!" 五.选择题 ( )1.--How_____is your father?-He's forty. A .nice B .old C .fine ( )2._Which__season do you like_____,spring,summer,autumn or winter? A .well B .better C .best ( )3.Helen's bedroom is_____than yours. A .small B .smaller C .large ( )4.Many girls want to be_____and they don't eat a lot of food. A .slim B .fat C .small ( )5.Ants are very_____,but they can carry_____things. A .big;big B .big;small C .small;big ( )6._____can we take photos?-We can take photos in the park. A .Where B .'Which C .What ( )7.My younger sister is very_____about the cartoons.2-1-c-n-j-y A.excited;excited B .excited;exciting C .exciting;excited ( )8.Today is_____Children's Day.The children are singing_____. A .beautiful B .happy C .happily ( )9.Who is____,your father or your uncle? A .heavier B .father C .stronger ( )10.-W ... ...

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