
Unit 8 Visiting museums 第三课时导学案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:95次 大小:1578496Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Visiting museums第三课时导学案 模块 Module 3 Out and about 单元 Unit 8 Visiting museums 年级 6 学习目标 1.描述参观博物馆的一次经历 2.学唱歌曲 3.学习并掌握元音音素/?:/ /?/及相应的字母和字母组合 学习重难点 1.熟练运用本单元的核心词汇和重点句型,用一般现在时和一般过去时谈论博物馆 2.掌握元音音素/?:/ /?/及相应的字母和字母组合 学法指导 尝试模仿 小组合作交流 练习法 课前准备 多媒体 单词卡片 【新知预习】或【复习回顾】 1.复习下列单词和短语 bee, insect, ant, kind, anything, finger, dancer, insect museum, car museum, model car, science museum, many kinds of 2.根据图片和提示复述Kitty 和Ben上周六在科技博物馆的见闻 3.出示一些博物馆的图片,提问并回答 1).What museum did you see during the holiday? 2).What did you see there? 4.尝试正确读出57页Learn the sounds中的单词 【课堂探究】 1.应该如何用英语描述A visit to a/an _____ museum 思考:应该用什么时态?第几人称?具体内容写什么? 2.略读Listen and enjoy中的歌词,圈出生词 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 思考:歌词主要运用了什么时态?大致含义是什么? 3.听Listen and enjoy录音,并学唱歌曲 4.课本57页,Learn the sounds部分中,字母及字母组合 or, al, au, oor, o, a在这些单词中的发音是什么?它们的发音一样吗? 5.听Learn the sounds的录音,并跟读,体会/?:/ /?/的发音 6.小组探究:/?:/ /?/在发音方法上有什么相同和不同? 7.小组交流:你去过颐和园吗?在那里你看到了什么?卢浮宫呢? 【展示交流】 或【巩固训练活动】 1. Ask and answer in pairs Where did you go last weekend? Did you visit a museum? What did you see there? Was it interesting? 2.简单用英语描述你的一次博物馆的参观经历 3.试唱Listen and enjoy中的歌曲 4.欣赏卢浮宫的视频,并回答问题 1).What kind of museum is the Louvre Museum? 2).What can people see there? 5.Listen and circle 6.尝试准确读出下列单词 for sport or more morning talk walk wall ball call all because naughty August doorway often not off October hot lot got wash wallet was what watch 7.游戏 分糖果 【当堂检测】 一、根据例子写出单词,每组至少3个 1.or [?:] horse _____ 2.al [?:] hall _____ 3.au [?:] autumn _____ 4.oor [?:] door _____ 5.o [?] office _____ 6.a [?] want _____ 二、根据下面的短文,完成对话 A: Did you visit any museums during the holiday? B: Yes, I __1___. I ___2__ an art museum __3___ July 8th. A: Did you go there by yourself? B: No, I __4___. I ___5___ to the museum ___6___ my sister. A: __7___ did you see there? B: We saw many kinds of paintings. A: ___8___ there many people? B: Yes, but it wasn抰 crowded. A: ___9___ you have a good time there? B: Of course. We also __10___ a lot of delicious food in the restaurant outside the museum. 三、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) The Palace Museum is in Beijing. It is famous around the world. It is one of the biggest parks in Beijing. There is a beautiful lake in the park. It is Kunming Lake. It is a man-made (人工的) lake. There are some magnificent (华丽的)halls and beautiful gardens in the park, too. You can go boating on the lake or go for a walk around the lake. You can also climb the hills in the Palace Museum. The best time to visit ... ...

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