
Module 2 My Neighborhood Unit 7 Signs around u单元测试卷 (word版,含答案解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:128569Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 Unit 7 Signs around us 一、单项选择(共15小题;共45分) 从下面各题所给选项中,选择最佳选项。 1. Children_____be careful with fire because it's dangerous. A.can B.must C.needn't D.may not 2. (2019广东深圳宝安区期末) We are going to "the Window of the World". Which _____ should we take? A.direction B.pollution C.land 3. Passengers _____ show their passports and have their luggage checked before boarding. A.must B.need C.can D.may 4. (2019广东深圳实验学校期末)The candle lit up the room in every _____. A.direction B.way C.means 5. _____ is an area of ground, especially one that is used for a special purpose such as farming or building. A.Soil B.Land C.Town 6. WeChat has many useful functions (功能). It helps find your exact _____ when you get lost in a busy street. A.choice B.direction C.corner 选出划线部分读音不同的选项。 7. A.rice B.camp C.pencil 从下面各题所给选项中,选择最佳选项。 8. —What's wrong with Mary? —Mary's mother is in Japan now. She _____ her mother very much. A.missing B.misses C.wishing D.wishes 9. Look at the "No parking" sign. You _____ park your car here. A.should B.must C.needn't D.mustn't 10. The captain says that all the seatbelts _____ be fastened (系紧) before the plane takes off. A.can B.may C.must D.should 从下面选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 11. —Are you sure we're going in the right direction? —Of course, I've been here twice. A.moving toward the right way B.going to the other place C.moving toward the different way 从下面各题所给选项中,选择最佳选项。 12. All passengers _____ exit at the next stop. The train will not continue. A.must B.should C.can D.may 13. Many _____ machines were invented by inventors. A.use B.useful C.useless D.used 14. You'd better read the _____ first before you use the camera. A.websites B.expressions C.instructions D.advertisements 15. —Do you know umbrellas are provided for free at the underground station? —Yes. But we _____ return it in a week, or we'll pay for it. A.can B.would C.might D.must 二、完形填空(共1小题;共40分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。 Many students like _____16_____ very much. But _____17_____ Monday to Friday, they _____18_____ go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they _____19_____ at home and watch TV from morning to night. They don't _____20_____ it's bad for their eyes (眼睛). _____21_____ school the children only do _____22_____ minutes of sports or never do any sports. The teachers must know it isn't good for _____23_____ health. We _____24_____ think of way (方法) to keep healthy. We must do enough (足够的) sports every day. And we _____25_____ watch TV and read in right ways. 16. A.watch TV B.watch the TV C.watching TV D.watching the TV 17. A.on B.and C.from D.to 18. A.may B.should C.must D.can 19. A.stay B.live C.sit D.leave 20. A.know B.get C.see D.take 21. A.On B.By C.For D.At 22. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few 23. A.them B.they C.their D.theirs 24. A.often B.usually C.always D.never 25. A.m ... ...

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