
鲁教版英语九年级全册Unit 5 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A同步练习(含答案无听力题)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:35840Byte 来源:二一课件通
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U5 You are supposed to shake hands. Section A同步练习 一、根据所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子. 1. When she saw us. she stood up to g_____ us. 2. You are s_____ to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in China. 3. I k_____ at the door, but there was no answer. 4.(2019山东淄博博山期中) Winter is my favorite s_____ because I like skiing. 5. The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of c_____. 6. In the n_____ part of China, it's usually cold in winter. 7.(2019山东淄博临淄金山中学期中) Different countries have different c_____. 8. Paris is the c_____ of France. It's a beautiful city. 9. Mr. Smith _____ (亲吻) his wife and kids before he goes to work every day. 10. I got to know Tom five years ago. I have v_____ our friendship very much so far. 1.(2019山东威海荣成期中) Weihai lies in the east c_____ of China 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I met a _____(Japan )boy called Sato yesterday. 2. It's not polite _____ (arrive)late for the meeting 3. In Colombia, they're _____ (relax )about time. 4.(2019山东烟台莱州实验中学月考) Besides the beautiful forests and sunny beaches, Hainan Province has a lot more for you to explore. It is well worth _____ (visit). 5. Real friendship is of more _____ (valuable )than money. 6. (2019山东淄博桓台实验中学阶段检测) We are not _____ (suppose ) to talk loudly in the reading room. 7.(2019山东莱芜钢城实验中学阶段检测) I will call you as soon as he_____ ( arrive)here. 8. The dog entered the room _____ (follow)the master. 9. Don’t worry. I will finish the task as _____ (quick) as I can. 三、根据汉语意思译/完成下列句子 1.中国人初次见面时习惯握手。 _____ 2.我来的那个地方有许多现代化的高楼。 _____ 3.他如此外向,以至于他交的朋友比我多 He was so outgoing that he _____ _____ _____ than I did. 4.你每天应该准时到达学校。 You should get to school _____ _____ every day. 5.不要生这个男孩儿的气了。毕竟,他只是个孩子。 Don't get _____ at the boy. _____ _____ he is only a child. 6.(2019山东淄博淄川实验中学月考)当你进办公室时,你应当敲门等待。 You're supposed to_____ _____ door and walt _____ before entering the office 四.选词填空:根据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整。 use, part, like, learn, because, time, are, with, cook, especially Dear Liz, My stay in Thailand has been the best experience in my life. Life here is busy and exciting. Bangkok, 1_____ many other big cities in the world, faces a big problem of heavy traffic. I am lucky 2_____ my host family lives in a nice quiet area outside the city. There 3_____ Mr and Mrs Sophonpanich, their son Chatri, who is 18. and their daughter, Chollada, who is 16 in the family. I go to an international school 4_____ Chatri and Chollada every day. The school teaches about 70% in English, and 30% in Thai. I have 5_____ to speak some Thai, but my Thai writing is bad. The cooking lesson is my favorite. I am learning all about Thai food and culture. People don't 6_____ chopsticks here, but spoons and forks. When I come home, I will 7_____ you a real Thai meal. I am surprise ... ...

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