
Unit 10 Welcome to our home 教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:43次 大小:33280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 Welcome to my home Ⅰ.Teaching Aims Knowledge amis: Students can be able to read, listen, and speak these words : living room , bedroom , kitchen and bathroom . Students can be able to use sentence “This is my ……” Ability aims: Students can be able to draw and design their home . Students can be able to introduce using the sentences in “Let’s Act” Affection aims: Students can be able to feel the emotion “Home is the best .” “I love my home .”etc . Ⅱ.The important and difficult points: Students can be able to use the new words and sentences to communicate with others about their homes . Students can be able to describe their homes using the new words and the words that they have learned before . Ⅲ.Teaching Aids : Seewo , word card, etc. Ⅳ.Teaching Methods: Communicative method ; Game; Task-based method; TPR Ⅴ.Teaching Procedure Warm up Greetings Lead-in T: Here I have some pictures . Can you match them ? T:Welcome to my home ! (设计意图:通过匹配动物的家,引出主题“ home”. 再设计一个情境,欢迎来到老师的家开始本节课的单词新授。) Presentation Living room T: What can you see in this room ? Ss:I can see …… T:What can I do ? Ss: I can …… T:Listen and follow. (设计意图:通过真实的图片及与学生真实目的的交流,引出新词“living room”。通过音频原因输入,孩子对音形义都理解。) Bedroom T: What can you see in this room ? Ss:I can see …… T:What can I do ? Ss: I can …… T:Listen and follow. S:…… T:What color ? (通过图片与交流学习新词“bedroom”。在通过颜色等进一步的追问及比较,学生可以发现房间的设计是与主人的喜好、性别、性格等有关。与学生生活实际联系,孩子感兴趣,也提高了孩子的生活技能。 Kitchen T:Are they all bedrooms?Which one is not ? Ss: T: What does Miss Kong do ? T:What can you do in the kitchen ? (设计意图:通过比较图片的方式引入新词“kitchen”,原音输入与自由讨论,增强对新词音形义的理解。) Bathroom T: Play a game “Sharp eyes”to learn the new word “bathroom”. (设计意图:通过游戏先小结复习了前面的几个词,又引出了新的单词bathroom .) Practice Game one:The rooms at home (设计意图:通过希沃游戏小组PK,操练单词。) Game two:将单词放入正确的房间位置,形与义的操练。 Game three: 通过歌曲,再游戏匹配房间与其功能,拓展到句子中运用。 Production 1.T : Let’s draw and design your home in your group. Then introduce it. (设计意图:通过小组合作,设计绘画自己的理想的家,再组织语言介绍,) 2.《Belling the cat》的引入。 Summary and homework

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