

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:3006004Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教版PEP五年级英语上册 中段检测试卷(二) 班别: _____ 姓名:_____ 座号:_____ 成绩:_____ 一、判断每组单词划线部分的发音是否相符,用T或F表示。(9分) ( )1. sorry shy ( )2. flower brown ( )3. beef read ( )5. meet meat ( )6. yes baby ( )7. bread tea ( )8. candy sunny ( )9. snowy know 二、单词归类。(17分) ice cream carrot tea beef potato milk candy tomato cow onion music dress salad sandwich sheep juice hot dog 可数名词:_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 不可数名词:_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 小结不可数名词的特征:_____ 三、阅读短文,选词填空,每词只能用一次。(10分) helpful her Friday Wednesday is On help with from English I'm Jane I go to school 1._____ Monday to 2._____. I have PE ,3._____ and science on 4. _____ . My sister and I are 5._____ at home. We often 6._____ my mother do housework on Saturdays. 7._____ Saturday morning I have an art class 8._____ Lily. Miss White 9._____ my favorite teacher. Do you like 10._____ ? 四、选择题。(12分) ( )1. We _____ art class_____ Thursdays. A. has, at B. have, in C. have, on ( )2. What_____ your head teacher like? An old man. A.do B.is C.does ( )3. _____is the middle day in a week. A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Wednesday ( )4.Let’s eat more(更多的)vegetables. They are_____. A.fresh and hot. B.fresh and healthy C.fresh and happy ( )5._____are sweet. A.candies B.Hot dogs C.sandwiches ( )6.Which one is not polite? A.Thank you. B.Oh no, you are so old. C.Sorry ( )7. --____ you often clean the room? – Yes, I do. A. Is B. Do C. Are ( )8. There are _____ days in two weeks. A. seven B. fourteen C.ten 五、情景写话。根据给出的情景说明填空,每空一词。(13分) 1.你告诉老师,你在周末经常看书,你说: I often _____ _____ on the _____. 2.妈妈想知道你星期二有什么课程,她会问你: _____ do you _____ on _____ ? 3.同桌告诉你,Mike学习很勤奋,她说: Mike _____ very _____. 4.你想知道今天是不是星期五,你问: _____ it _____ today? 5.如何表达你最喜欢的食物是汉堡包。 My_____ food_____ _____. 六、根据提示写问句或答句。(6分) 1. A: What would you like to eat ? B: _____ 2. A: _____ B: I have science, math, PE and music on Mondays. 3. A: _____ B: My mother is kind. 七、阅读理解。(12分) Days School Menu Mon + + Tue. + + Wed. + + Thu. + + Fri. + + 下面给你提供了一个school menu。请你根据合理的膳食,为每天搭配不同的食物,并填写下面一则ad(广告),把你的school menu向大家宣传一下! Good news! We have a new school menu. Look, on Mondays, we have rice , _____ and_____.On_____, we have_____,eggs and_____. On_____,we can eat_____, chicken and vegetables. On, _____ , we have green beans, _____ and orange juice. On _____, you can eat carrots, onions, _____ and _____. Everything is tasty, and I am sure there must be something your favorite. Come on, boys and girls! Don’t wait! 八、作文:看以下表格,以“My favourite”为题,介绍一下自己爱好,不少于40词。(10分) Name trait favourite food favourite drink favourite teacher favourite colour Amy 高的 聪明的 蓝色 My favourite _____ ... ...

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