
Unit2 Around the World 同步学案(单元知识点总结)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:25次 大小:309248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Around the World Words London 伦敦 Toronto 多伦多 Sydney 悉尼 Washington D.C.华盛顿 the British Museum大英博物馆 the CN Tower加拿大国家电视塔 kangaroo 袋鼠 the Opera House(悉尼)歌剧院 the White House 白宫 clock 时钟 speak 讲;说 French 法语 Tower Bridge (伦敦)塔桥 the London Eye 伦敦眼 hiking 远足 sunrise 日出 president 总统 Get ready What do you know about these countries? 关于这些国家你知道什么? the UK 英国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) London 伦敦 the British Museum大英博物馆 Canada 加拿大 Toronto 多伦多 the CN Tower加拿大国家电视塔 Australia 澳大利亚 Sydney 悉尼 kangaroo 袋鼠 the Opera House(悉尼)歌剧院 the USA 美国(the United States of ?America?) Washington D.C.华盛顿 the White House 白宫 Where do you want to go this winter vacation? 这个寒假你想去哪儿? where 哪里,询问地点 want to go want to do sth.想要做某事 winter vacation 寒假 I want to go to London. It's in the southeast of the UK. 我想去伦敦。它在英国的东南部。 in the southeast of 在......东南部 What do you want to do there? 你想在那儿做什么? I want to visit the British Museum and see Big Ben. It's a large clock. visit 参观;拜访 see 看 Big Ben TheBigBenislocatedinthetowerattheeasternendoftheHousesofParliament, Westminster,GreaterLondon. TheBigBenisveryfamousthroughouttheworld,butnobodyreallyknowswhyitiscalledBigBen.Therearetwohearsaysaboutthis.SomepeoplesaythatitwasnamedafterBenjamin Caunt,aboxer,whowascalledBigBen.MorepeoplebelieveitwascalledafterWelshman,SirBenjaminHall. TheBigBenisfamousnotonlyforits13-tonweight,butalsoforitsaccuracywhichisaresultofitsprecisemechanism.Evenoneextrapenny'sweightonthebalancewillcauseagainoftwofifthsofasecondintwentyfourhours.Althoughtherehavebeenseveral problems,thebellisstillstrikingtoday.Itschimescanbeheardallovertheworldonthe B.B.C. 大本钟在伦敦威斯敏斯特英自治领会议院东边的尽头。 大本钟在世界上家喻户晓,但没有多少人实际上知道为何它叫大本钟。关于这个 问题有两个传言:有人认为它是从一个叫做BenjaminCaunt的拳击家而来。更多人认 为它以一个威尔士人———BenjaminHall先生而命名的。 大本钟闻名全球不仅仅因为它重13吨,还因为它的精准———那是因为它严谨的机械结构。在它得平衡器上增添额外的一便士重量都会造成每24小时多五分之二秒的后果。尽管有过几次故障,直到今天大钟仍然在报时。它的钟鸣会通过B.B.C.广播电台传遍全球。 Lesson 1 B. Let’s talk Mike: Hello, Lily. Where do you want to go this winter vacation? Mike: 你好,Lily。这个寒假你想去哪儿? Lily: I want to go to Washington D.C. It's in the east of the USA. Lily: 我想去华盛顿。他在美国的东部。 Mike: What do you want to do there? Mike:你想在那儿做什么? Lily: I want to see the White House and visit the museums there. Lily:我想去那儿看白宫和参观博物馆。 C. Let's write. 1. Where do you want to go this winter vacation? I want to go to Canada this winter vacation. 2. What do you want to do there? I want to visit the CN tower. Lesson 2 A. Look, listen and say. 1. What countries and cities can you see on the map? 在这幅地图上你能看到哪些国家和城市? ... ...

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