
人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级上册期中复习课件--单词 (63张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:97次 大小:7453250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 三(上)期中 重点单词配句子 你会更棒的!!!! 文具类 ruler I have a ruler. 有 文具类 pencil I have a pencil. 有 文具类 eraser I have an eraser. 有一块 文具类 crayon I have a crayon. 有 文具类 bag I have a bag. 文具类 pen I have a pen. 文具类 book I have a book. 文具类 pencil box Mike! Your pencil box! 你的 文具类 pen pencil crayon 文具类 school Open your pencil box. 打开 Close your book. 合上 Open the book. 打开 Close the book. 合上 Show me your pen. 展示 Carry your bag. 背上 no(不) my(我的) your(你的、你们的) meet (见面) 熟记单词 open(打开) close(关上) carry(背上) show(展示) 熟记单词 颜色类 red I have a red pen. 颜色类 green This is a green ruler. 颜色类 yellow I see yellow. 颜色类 blue The eraser is blue. 颜色类 black This is black. 颜色类 brown I have a brown bag. 颜色类 white Show me white! 颜色类 orange I see orange. 颜色类 purple pink 颜色类 red and white red, blue and white red and yellow blue, white and red OK! Colour it brown! Show me red/ blue / green / yellow. 给我看看 Black, black. Stand up. 站起来(起立)。 Orange, orange. Sit down. 坐下。 White, white. Touch the ground. 摸摸地板。 White, white. Touch the ground. 摸摸地板。 Brown, brown. Turn around. 转个圈。 身体部位类 身体部位类 face This is my face. 我的 身体部位类 ear Look at my ear. Look at me! This is my ear. 我的 身体部位类 eye Look at my eye. eyes 身体部位类 nose This is my nose. 身体部位类 mouth My mouth is red. 身体部位类 arm This is my arm. 身体部位类 hand Show me your hand! 身体部位类 head Look at my head. 身体部位类 body This is the body. 身体部位类 leg This is the leg. 身体部位类 foot 脚 Touch your foot. 身体部位类 ear eye nose mouth face Look at me! This is my face. hand head body leg foot arm This is the arm. This is the leg. This is the head. 这是头。 This is the hand. This is the foot. This is the body. Close your eyes. 关上,闭上 Open your mouth. 打开 Touch your nose. 摸摸 Touch your ear. Touch your face. Clap your hands. 拍 Touch your head. 摸摸 Wave your arms. 挥舞 Shake your legs. 摇晃 Shake your body. Stamp your foot. 跺跺 open(打开) close(关上) touch(碰) clap(拍) 熟记单词 wave(挥舞) shake(摇晃) stamp(跺) finger(手指) shoulder(肩膀) knee(膝盖) toe(脚趾) 拓展单词

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