

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:32768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级上册外研版期中复习之单词拼写题 1. We must p_____(保护)animals in danger. They are our friends. 2. Everyone is in the classroom e_____(除去) Li Lei because of his illness. 3. Please don’t give the birds anything to eat. They have had e_____(足够)food. 4. There are h_____(小山) with many trees on them around my hometown. 5. Can you c_____(完成) the missing letters in the following words? 6.People in different a_____(区域) of the country would all have noodles on that day . 7.He looked slowly around the small c_____(拥挤的)room. 8. The old man lost his left leg in the traffic a_____ (事故) last Friday. 9. James o_____ (提议) to carry the heavy bag for the old woman. 10. I love music, e_____ (尤其) pop music. 11.Please d_____ (描写) what you saw during your trip. 12. He finished c_____ (改正) the mistakes. 13.Some students usually make g_____(语法) mistakes . 14.You shouldn’t do your homework c_____ (粗心地). 15.The panda is the s_____ (象征) of animals in danger . 16.You are c_____ (正确的) in saying that . 17.She can u_____ (理解) French and English . 18.It’s very n_____ (合乎情理的) if she is angry with you . 19.We p_____ (练习) speaking English every day. 20.The p_____ (人口) of Tianjin is smaller that that of Shanghai . 21.He m_____(错过) the last train to Beijing last night . 22.C_____ (机会) are left for the ones who are well-prepared . 23.My father planned to take us to India for the holiday j_____ (旅行). 24.It’s not allowed to p_____ (停车) here. 25.Don’t worry .My mother is out of d_____(危险的). 26.Kangaroos are c_____ (普通的) animals in Australia . 27.The guide is s_____ (展示,展出) her visitors the Summer Palace . 28.We should be against the war and for the p _____(和平). 29.Scientists made lots of r_____ (研究) on this kind of plant . 30.It is very dangerous to walk on the t_____ (薄的) ice . 31.The students get excited when they see the n_____ (告示) on the wall . 32.Li Na is very famous and her c_____ (教练)helps her a lot . 33.They are going to play a_____(对抗) another team next week . 34.The m_____ (主要的 )reason for living in Spain is the weather . 35.My brother studies in a u_____(大学) in Beijing . 36.Look !There are so many colorful beach u_____ (伞). 37.They decided to save the animals in the w_____(野外环境). 38.-Would you like to go to the magic p_____(表演) with me ? -Sure ,I’d love to . 39.It is a good n_____(小说) and it is worth reading twice . 40.We hate the war and love the p_____(和平). 41.What’s the c_____(成本) of the toy? 42.The boy won the singing competition and his parents were p_____(满意) with his success . 43.Tom h_____(受伤)his arm when he played basketball . 44.They are working hard to d_____(研制) a project for animals . 45.The girl is badly ill and she needs lots of money now . -Let’s r_____(筹集) some money to help her . 46.They were discussing the problems of Western s_____(社会). 47.I’d like to b_____(预定)a table for two for 8:00 tonight . 48.There are flowers on both sides of the r ... ...

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