
Unit6 I’m going to study computer science Section B (2a-2e) 公开课课件(39张PPT) +导学案+嵌入音视频

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:76次 大小:25238574Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit6 I’m going to study computer science. SectionB(2a-2e) 新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册 1:To read to learn different kinds of resolutions. 2:To learn the new words and useful expressions 3:To work hard to make our dream come true. Learning Aims Warming-up New Year's Resolution have to do with (关于) improve(改善)my life What's the meaning of self-improvement (意思) take up a hobby self-improvement Revision make promises (承诺)to myself I am going to do some reading every night. My New Year's Resolution Name Resolution How Tom keep healthy get more exercise … … … What’s your resolution How are you going to do that Report: In my group, Tom’s resolution is to keep healthy. He is going to get more exercise. … Survey Fast reading Para.1 A To question the idea of making resolutions. Para.2 B To give the meaning of resolution. Para.3 C To discuss the different kinds of resolutions. Read and match each paragraph with its main idea. (请把每一自然段及其段落大意连线) Task 1 v. the first sentence can help 第一句帮助大 Fast reading A. These are about making yourself a better person. B. For example, a student may have to find more time to study. C. There are good reasons for this. D. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. Read and put the four choices in the correct places. (请把以下4句话填入文中横线位置) Task 2 the sentences before and after the blanks can help 前后句来帮忙 Do you know what a resolution is? It's a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people.(“Mom, I promise I'm going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”)However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year's resolutions. _____ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some D D.The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions 2. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. ._____     Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork._____ A.These are about making yourself a better person. A B B. For example, a student may have to find more time to study. 3. Although there are differences,most resolutions have one thing in common. People hardly ever keep them!_____  Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!How about you—will you make any next year? C C. There are good reasons for this. Read para.1 and finish the tasks. Do you know what a resolution is It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make ... ...

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