
教科版(广州,三起)五年级上册 Module 2 Abilities 导学案(2课时,无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:91次 大小:46574Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Can you do my homework? 【学习目标】 1.掌握本课单词及句型; 2.能利用所学生词,重点句与同学进行有效的沟通。 【学习重难点】 重点:正确朗读本课生词、词组、重点句以及课文。 难点:运用所学的句型进行交流对话。 【学习过程】 课中学习 一、句型 1.Can you do my homework? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 2.Who gives Jiamin a present? 3.What will he do? He will become a clown. 4.Who can help me? 二、重点精析 1.speak + 某种语言 如: Can you speak Chinese? 2.do one’s homework 做家庭作业 他经常在晚上八点钟做作业。 _____ 3.talk with sb 与某人聊天 talk about 谈论某事 你们在谈论什么? _____ 我喜欢跟你聊天。 _____ 4.make sb do sth. 使某人做某事 如:He always makes me laugh. 他总是让我大笑. 我父母使我每天看新闻。 _____ 通关检测 一、选择题 ( )1.What _____ he do on Sunday? A.do B.does C.is ( )2.What ____ you like for lunch? A.are B.do C.does ( )3.How many people are there _____ your family? A.in B.on C.with ( )4.Everyone _____swimming very much. A.like B.likes C.liking ( )5._____ time is it now? A.How B.What C.When 二、将问题的编号写在相应答语前的括号内 ( )1.What’s your favorite food? A.I often play ping-pong. ( )2.What do you have for dinner? B.We have English and art. ( )3.What do you do on Sundays? C.I like fish. ( )4.What day is it today? D.I have fish and rice. ( )5.What classes do you have on Mondays? E.It’s Wednesday. ( )6.What’s she like? F.She’s tall and thin. ( )7.What is your bobby? G.He can run fast. ( )8.What can he do? H.His hobby is playing music.Unit 3 I can swim very fast 【学习目标】 1.掌握词汇与重难点词的用法; 2.掌握情态动词can的用法并正确运用。 【学习重难点】 重点:掌握词汇与重难点词的用法; 难点:掌握情态动词can的用法并正确运用。 【学习过程】 自主学习 背诵词组 read fast, jump high / far, run fast, sing well, dance well, help children learn, grow food for people, get news for people, make machines for people, bad people, sick people. 课中学习 一、句型 1.I can swim very fast. 2.What can you do? I can… 3.Can he run fast? Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 4.I’m good at drawing. 5.What are you good at? 二、重点精析 1.be good at sth. / doing sth. 擅长某事,擅长做某事 他擅长画画。 _____ 2.let’s = let us let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 如:Let’s go swimming together. 让我们一起去游泳吧。 让他来帮你。 _____ 3.help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 如:Who can help children learn? 谁能帮助学生学习呢? 你能帮我做家务吗? _____ 4.for 为了 工人能够为人们建房子。 _____ 5.hope to do sth. 希望做某事 如:I hope to see you again. 我希望再见到你。 他希望冬天会下雪。 _____ 6.praise 赞扬,赞美,表扬 praise for 因为……赞美 如:He praised her for her courage. 他赞美她的勇敢。 7.be proud of 自豪,为……而骄傲 如:I am proud of being an English teacher. 我为作为一名英语教师而感到骄傲。 你的父母为你感到骄傲。 _____ 8.What about you? What about + 名词/动词ing 去游泳怎么样? _____ 9.good和well的用法. good是形容词,修饰名词,放在名词前,“好的”,good teacher. well是副词,修饰动词,放在动词之后,“……得好”,teach well. M ... ...

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