
Unit 4 My space 第一课时学案(教师版+学生版)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:69次 大小:3143737Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高中英语 上教版 高一年级 必修一 第四单元 学案(教师版) 课题:Reading and interaction I: The 1940s house 课时学习目标: ? 掌握与家用电器和家庭用品主题相关的分类词汇; ? 通过“略读”,了解该实验故事涉及的主要方面; ? 通过“扫读”,了解20世纪40年代英国家庭生活,体会实验参与者的感受。 I. Pre-reading Task 1: Tell the names of the following household appliances in the pictures and put them into the right category. SHAPE \ MERGEFORMAT Task 2: Look at the photo of a kitchen in a 1940s house in the UK and write down the things listed above you think the average family might have owned at that time. Imagine how different their lives were from ours today. Which household appliances might an average family have owned at that time? A radio and an oven because they were invented before the 1940s. How different were their lives from ours today? In my opinion, life must have been very difficult for people in the 1940s because they didn’t have modern devices such as washing machines or microwaves. Task 3: Look at the household appliances in task 1 and think about what benefits these modern appliances bring us? For example, the fridge can keep our food fresh; the washing machine can save our energy and time of washing, and the air-conditioner can keep us cool in summer and warm in winter. II. While-reading Task 4: Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. What was The 1940s House really about? The 1940s House was an experiment. What was the purpose of the experiment? The purpose of the experiment was to see if a modern-day family would be capable of surviving in the 1940s. Task 5: Read paragraph 2 to paragraph 6, and match the paragraphs with the headings. Paragraph 2 A. Food Paragraph 3 B. Family life Paragraph 4 C. Daily routine Paragraph 5 D. Personal safety Paragraph 6 E. Housing Task 6: Read paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 and answer the questions. What did the 1940s house look like? It was a three-bedroomed house in south London. There were no labour-saving devices, no central heating or bridge in the house. What did they do first? Why? Their first task was to quickly dig a hole in the garden to protect themselves from the air attacks, because safety was the most important thing during the wartime. Where did they spend much time? Why? They spent much time down in the hole, because they wanted the experiment to seem as real as possible, though the war wasn't real for the Hymers. Task 7: Read paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 and answer the questions. What were the challenging things people were faced with in the 1940s? The shortage of food and domestic chores. Why didn’t the family have much to eat? Because there was rationing of goods such as food and petrol. How were men’s and women’s lives different in the 1940s? Men went out to work, while women spent most of their time doing domestic chores, such as preparing meals, doing the dishes, cleaning the floor and boiling the clothes. Task 8: Read paragraph 6 and answer the quest ... ...

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