
Unit3 My father is a writer (Lesson16) 教案

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:88次 大小:37376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3《My father is a writer.》lesson16 教学设计 I. 教学分析 本部分通过询问某人职业的句型来熟练运用表示职业的单词。 主要学习表示职业的三种说法,在两个句式中灵活使用表示职 业的单词。 II.教学目标 熟练掌握句子What does your father do? He's an actor . What does your mother do? She's a worker.以单词actor actres、worker。进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳 定的学习兴趣。 III.教学重难点 What does your father do? He's an actor. What does your mother do? She's a worker. IV.教学过程 一. Warming up/Revision 1.Greeting. T: Good morning,boys and girls. S: Good moning,Miss Fu. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you,too. 2.师生共唱英文儿歌 baby shark。 3.教师拿职业卡片。询问职业 What does she do? She's a/an...... What does he do? He's a/an...... 二.Presentation 1.教师呈现鹿晗的图片。T:Who's he? S:He's a Lu Han. T: What does he do? Who can tell me? S: He's an actor. 学习actor 单词,用做游戏的方法来学习actor。 教师询问学生Who's an actor? 学生用现实生活中的明星 来回答 Cheng Long is an actor.....教师询问你的爸爸是 做什么的怎么说?S: What does your father do? 学习 What does your father do? He's an actor.两句话。 2.教师呈现AngelBaby的图片 T:Who'she? She's AngelBaby T:What does she do? Who can tell me ? S:She's an actress.学习actress 单词,用大小声游戏学习actress。 教师询问学生Who's an actress? 学生用现实生活中的明 星回答 Zhao liying is actress.教师询问你的妈妈是做 什么的怎么说:What does your mother do? She's an actress.学习What does your mother do? She's an actress.两句话。 3.教师呈现自己妈妈的照片。T: Who's she? Can you guess? She is my mother. What does she do?Guess? S:Is she a teacher? T:No S:Is she a doctor? T:No S:Is she a farmer? T:No,she is a worker. 学习worker 单词,用左 右手的游戏来学习。T:她是一名工人怎么说? S:She's a worker.并学习。 三. Practice 1.Free talk. What does your mother do? What does your father do? 小组讨论并情景表演。 2.教师出示家人的照片,并让学生到前面介绍。 3.教师出示职业图片并询问What do you want to do in the future?让学生写下自己将来想做什么并贴在梦想树上。 4.最后教师送学生一句话 There are three hundred and sixty trades, and every trade has its master.三百 六十行,行行出状元。 四。Homework. 1.Read the word. 2.Write the word. 板书设计 Unit3 《My father is a writer.》Lesson16 What does your father do? He's an actor. What does your mother do? She's an actress. She's a worker. Unit3《My father is a writer.》 lesson16教学反思 “良好的开端是成功的一半”本节课热身环节,我和学生一 起唱跳Baby Shark,不由自主地引起学生的学习兴趣,跟着 欢快的节奏,学生们一下子就活跃起来,再引入新课,新课环 节我用现实生活中的明星来引入学习单词,并用游戏教学法来 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,学生课堂气氛活跃,在学中玩,在 玩中学。学生学习英语最缺乏的就是语言环境,因此在教学中 我结合本课内容,为学生尽可能地创造英语环境,营造英语文 化氛围,让学生模仿情景互问What does your father do? What does your mother do? 让学生大声说锻炼口语表达能力 并激发学生学习英语的兴趣。本节课我觉得生生互练期间,应 该准备一些不是很容易就能看出是哪些图片,让学生根据图片 线索猜出爸爸妈妈的 ... ...

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