
Module 2 Unit 4 Can you do my homework 教案(3课时,表格式)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:76次 大小:34820Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 4 (第一课时) 课型 新授课 教材 义务教育教科书英语五年级上册 教学内容 Unit 4 Can you do my homework 教学目标 Language knowledge语言知识: Vocabulary词汇:talk,speak,thing,count Sentences句型:Can you...? Of course I can. What can you do? I can... I'm good at... Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction. Have fun in learning and using English. To try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English. The visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types. To try to be closer to the children. To use the teaching method of grouping and organizing. 将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 通过小组合作完成学习任务。 教学重点 The new words: talk,speak,thing,count 教学难点 Go over the stationary and the preposition of places. Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction. 板书设计 Unit 4 Can you do my homework talk speak thing count 教学过程 Free talk: Can you....? What can you do? Braintorm, thus encourage the children to listen and do,then sum up the activities. Show the picture and teach “count”, “speak”. Then T says, “I am good at many things”. teach “thing” Talk in groups"I'm good at..." Do the exercises on bookP22.1Listen and tick or cross. Show a talking robot. teach “talk” Introduce its name"Robbie" Focus on the new words. Do the exercises on bookP22.2 Read and choose Check the answer Do the project (1)Think of the things you need to do at a party and write them in a table (2)Find who can do the tasks and fill in the table 教学反思 课题 Unit 4(第二课时) 课型 新授课 教材 义务教育教科书英语五年级上册 教学内容 Unit 4 Can you do my homework 教学目标 The new passage and the key patterns. Be able to talk about one’s abilities. Go over activities. Ing form of the verbs The Phrasal verbs. Present continuous Tense. 教学重点 1.The new passage and the key patterns. 2.Be able to talk about one’s abilities. 3.Go over activities. 教学难点 本课时词汇不多,内容容易理解,并且能与实际生活密切相连 学生需要理解课文意思,为什么Robbie不能做Jiamin的作业 板书设计 Unit 4 Can you do my homework Can you …? Of course I can./ Of course I can, but I won't. What can you do? I can... I'm good at... 教学过程 1.Read and go over the words with the help of the picture we used last lesson. 2. Guessing game呈现问句操练:What can you do? 3. Listen and watch 4. Introduce the robot's names. (Robbie) 5. Have the pupils look at some pictures on P20--P21, also show it on the screen. 6. A question"Can the robot do Jiamin's homework?" and let the pupils read the passage and find the answer by scanning. 7. Watch the video with pupils by asking the following questions: What day is it today? Who gives Jiamin a present? Who is Robbie? What can Robbie do? Who will do Jiamin's homework? 8.Have the pupils read the passage silently all the way through. 9.Listen to the recording of the passage, pause at some places so that highlight the language items necessarily. 10.Ask Pupils to read the passage after Tape ... ...

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