
Unit 9 Great cities of the world 第三课时 导学案

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:32次 大小:1206784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 9 Great cities of the world第三课时导学案 模块 Module 3 Out and about 单元 Unit 9 Great cities of the world 年级 6 学习目标 1.复习本单元重点词汇和句型 2.会对城市进行描述 3.学习并掌握元音音素/?:/ /?/及相应的字母和字母组合 学习重难点 1.熟练运用本单元的核心词汇和重点句型,会对城市进行描述 2.掌握元音音/?:/ /?/及相应的字母和字母组合 学法指导 尝试模仿 小组合作交流 练习法 课前准备 多媒体 单词卡片 【新知预习】或【复习回顾】 1.复习下列单词和短语 capital, north, south, east, west, in the north of, in the east of,palace, most, tourist, building, sushi 2. Free talk Do you like travelling around the world? Which city do you like best? How will you go there? 3.尝试正确读出63页Learn the sounds中的单词 【课堂探究】 1. 阅读62页表格,回忆句型 How long does it take to get to ... from Beijing? It takes about ... by ... 2.思考:应该如何描述一个城市?你会想到哪些句子?请列举一下 _____ _____ _____ 3.交流探讨:课本63页,Learn the sounds部分中,字母及字母组合 er, ir, ur, or, er, a在这些单词中的发音一样吗? 4.听Learn the sounds的录音,并跟读,体会/?:/ /?/的发音 5.小组探究:/?:/ /?/在发音方法上有什么相同和不同? 6.小组交流:你能写出一些含有字母及字母组合 er, ir, ur, or, er, a的单词,并发音为/?:/ /?/的单词吗? 【展示交流】 或【巩固训练活动】 1. Ask and answer in pairs. 运用句型编演对话 How long does it take to get to ... from Beijing? It takes about ... by ... 2.简单用英语描述你喜欢的一个城市 3. Listen and read (Learn the sounds) 4.Listen and circle 5.尝试准确读出下列单词 for sport or more morning talk walk wall ball call all because naughty August doorway often not off October hot lot got wash wallet was what watch 6.游戏 分糖果 【当堂检测】 一、根据例子写出单词,每组至少3个 1.er [?:] her _____ 2.ir [?:] shirt _____ 3.ur [?:] turn _____ 4.or [?:] work _____ 5.er [?] brother _____ 6.a [?] along _____ 二、选择 ( )1. London is the capital of _____. A. Japan B. France C. the UK ( )2. Harbin is _____ China. A. in the north of B. to the south of C. in the west of ( )3. _____ does it take to get to Shanghai from Changchun by plane? A. How long B. How soon C. How far ( )4. It often _____ me about 1 hour to finish my homework. A. spends B. takes C. costs ( )5. _____ isn’t a capital city. A. Ottawa B. Paris C. New York 三、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) Sydney is in the east of Australia. It is a beautiful and clean city. It is very far from here. It takes about seven hours to get there by plane. In Sydney there are many different kinds of museums. There are a lot of parks there, too. There are also many wonderful beaches. People can swim in the sea. We also can see Kangaroos, koalas and other lovely animals at the zoo. ( ) 1. Sydney is the capital of Australia. ( ) 2. It is far from China to Sydney. ( ) 3. There aren’t any tall buildings in Sydney. ( ) 4. People can see many museums in Sydney. ( ) 5. Tourists can’t see koalas in Sydney. 参考答案:一、1. certainly, nervous, serve ; 2. dirty, bird, sir; 3. church purse, fur; 4. worm, world, worth; ... ...

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