
Unit6 There are four seasons in a year.(Lesson36) 课件(29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:23次 大小:15811072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Free talk time spring summer autumn winter Spring begins around_____ Summer begins around_____ Autumn begins around_____ Winter begins around _____ Mar. Jun. Sept. Dec. Free talk time spring summer autumn winter weather In spring, the weather gets_____ and the days get_____. warmer and warmer longer and longer In summer, it’s_____and it often_____. hot rains In autumn, the weather gets_____ and the days get_____. cooler and cooler shorter and shorter In winter, it’s_____ and it often_____. cold snows Brain storm What do people do in the picture? pick oranges pick cotton harvest corns cut rice The farmers are busy harvesting. 1 2 3 4 5 As an old saying goes, “No pains, no gains”.(不劳则无获) a white world When it snows, everything is white. Tianjin, -2 ℃ ● ● Heilongjiang, -19℃ ● Hainan, 25 ℃ Please come to the place, the place is warmer. ● Wuhan, 12 ℃ Let’s chant! pl Please come to the place. The place is warmer. Please play a game. With great pleasure. Free talk time spring summer autumn winter weather colour Free talk time spring summer autumn winter weather colour activities go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the snow go swimming eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman What do people do in spring/summer/ autumn/winter? go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the snow go swimming eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman What do people do in spring/summer/ autumn/winter? What do people do in spring? go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the snow go swimming eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman What do people do in summer? go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the snow go swimming eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman What do people do in autumn? go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the snow go swimming eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman What do people do in winter? go on spring outings cut rice sweep the snow go camping √ plant trees √ have picnics swim in the sea √ √ eat ice-cream √ fly kites √ ride a bike √ ice-skate √ play in the snow plant trees pick apples go skating play in the sn ... ...

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