

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:13次 大小:55740Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020-2021 学年度上学期高一学年期中考试 英语试题 总分:150 分 时间:120 分钟 第一部分;阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 第一节:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A No matter which place you decide to visit in Spain, you’ll find a beautiful beach waiting just for you. These popular beaches can meet the needs of people from all walks of life. Cala de Algaiarens, Minorea With soft golden sand and clear water, this beach is perfect for snorkeling (浅滩潜水) and visiting underwater caves. The beach belongs to a local man, so tourists have to pay a small entry fee. The waves here can sometimes be huge so the beach isn’t safe for kids. Cala Tarida, Ibiza Besides the big music festivals and the exciting nightlife, Ibiza is home to some of the most beautiful beaches; one of them is Cala Tarida. Just relax on the white sand or go swimming in clear water. It is an ideal location to spend a sunny day if you are in Ibiza. Beach of La Concha, San Sebastian It has been called the best city beach not just in Spain, but also in Europe. It’s so popular during the holidays that tourists have to struggle to get some space. Even though the beach is a 10- minute walk from the city, the white sand and the amzing clear waters do make the city a new world. Sotavento, Canary Islands As an ideal choice for travelers, Sotavento offers 17 miles of white sandy beach. It is blessed with strong water and winds, making it a paradise (天堂) for surfers and kite flyers. The beach also hosts the popular World Kite Surf Championship every August. 1. Why are kids advised not to visit Cala de Algaiarens? A. Because the beach is too crowded. B. Because the sand there is too hot. C. Because the beach is a private one. D. Because the waves are powerful sometimes. 2. What can visitors do in Cala Tarida? A. They can enjoy a music festival. B. They can go snorkeling. C. They can go surfing. D. They can fly kites. 3. What makes Sotavento special according to the text? A. It’s perfect for people to fly kites. B. It covers a distance of 17 miles. C. The beach is open only in August. D. The waves are huge and dangerous. B I was in the Sants Cruz Mountains not long ago, speaking and singing at a women’s conference. We were focusing on the theme of loving others in practical ways through our gifts, and something in particular happened during one of the sessions (会议) will remain imprinted in memory. A young Syrian woman (Lilith) was invited to the conference at the last minute, and everyone seemed surprised and delighted that she’d actually come. Just a few days earlier, Lilith had fled her country and found refuge with one of the women attending the conference. Lilith had witnessed horrors no one of her young age should ever see. Despite the further danger it presented, she’d decided to leave her home and her family to find safety here in America. Knowing some of her story, and seeing her sitting through the sessions at the retreat ... ...

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