

日期:2024-05-05 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:17次 大小:25902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[05-07] 作文素材阅读理解语法词汇拓展积累 (含词汇讲解、长难句解析、翻译技巧、背景知识、写作积累:均由阿满编写) 原文[续05-06] Declaring?a new stage of life could help change perceptions. It has done so before. Today’s conception of childhood emerged in the 19th century,?paving the way for?child-protection laws and a golden age of children’s literature.?Spotty,?awkward?15-year-olds predated the 1940s, but only then did?mystified?adults?coin?the label “teenagers”,?fuelling?all sorts of products and services, from bobby socks to the music industry. In 1944 Life wrote that “American businessmen, many of whom have teen-age daughters, have only recently begun to?realise?that teen-agers make up a big and special market.”By the mid-1960s both Time and Newsweek had?splashed“The Teen-Agers” on their covers. ? 宣布一个新的人生阶段的存在可以帮助改变人们的认知,从前这种情形就已发生过。我们今天所说的“童年”这一概念出现于19世纪,它为儿童保护法的出台以及儿童文学黄金年代的出现铺平了道路。脸上满是痘痘、举止笨拙的15岁孩子并不是到了1940年代才有,但直到这个时期,困惑的成年人才创造出“青少年”(teenagers)这个标签。这之后便涌现出各种各样的产品和服务,从翻边短袜到音乐产业不一而足。1944年,《生活》(Life)杂志写道,“很多美国商人自己就有十几岁的女儿,却直到最近才开始意识到,青少年构成了一个庞大而特殊的市场。”到了1960年代中期,青少年的形象还大举登上了《时代》和《新闻周刊》的封面。 词汇讲解 declare相关同义词拓展 declare多用于正式场合,表示清楚、有力、公开地让人知道。(state emphatically and authoritatively; state firmly) The court declared that Brown's case should be reviewed. I declare you man and wife. We celebrate September 16, the day when Mexico declared independence from Spain (=officially stated that it was no longer ruled by Spain). 宣布独立 'It's not fair,' Jane declared. “这不公平”简郑重地说 He declared his intention to run for office. 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法 declared war on drug dealing in then eighborhood. 向在邻近地段进行的毒品交易宣战 announce常用于表达把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众 (make known)。有时候会带有某些微妙的意味?(to say something, especially something that other people will not like, in a loud and confident way) They announced their engagement to the family. 他们向家里宣布他们已经订婚了 You might very intentionally announce thatyou are never eating pizza again, if you want everyone you know to be aware of this. 'I'm not going to their party,' Maggie announced. publish多指通过书面媒介让公众都知道,比如报刊等。 The firm publishes its accounts in August. 该商行于八月份公布会计账目 publish the banns of marriage, ie announce formally (in church) the names of people who are soon to be married 公布结婚预告(教堂正式宣布即将结婚者的名单). proclaim多用于公共或正式场合,特别指“重大的事件”, 着重“庄严地向广大群众宣布”或“严肃认真地申明”,语体比announce正式。 proclaim a public holiday 宣布定某日为公众假日 After its independence India was proclaimed (ie officially declared to be) a republi ... ...

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