
六上课外绘本拓展课:the school trip 课件PPT

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:26169068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    教科2011课标版 The School Trip绘本阅读研学案 撰写人:曾展菲 审稿:番禺区傍西小学英语科组 Class:_____ No._____ Name:_____ 【研学目标】 1、我能通过预习拼读绘本中的新单词。【课前研学】 2、我能理解绘本故事大意,并能完成相应的任务。【Task 1-3】 3、我能从绘本故事联系到生活,小组合作完成思维导图。【Task 4】 【研学路线】 ( 3. 联系生活,写写说说。 ) ( 2. 理解绘本,完成任务。 ) ( 1. 预习单词,课前 研 学。 ) 【课前研学】朗读以下新词五遍,并抄写一遍。 ( 过去式 )take took go-- went make--made see--saw run--ran feed -- fed get --got ride--rode骑(马、车...) noise噪音 (boy) sign指示牌 run away逃跑 cross生气的 【Task 1】默读P10-P17,完成以下表格。 Animals What did Aneesa do? What happened to the animals? How did Mr Bell feel? Aneesa made so much noise. She said “I love hens.” The hens ran away. Mr Bell was cross. Aneesa _____. She said “_____.” The horses _____. Mr Bell was_____. Aneesa _____. She said “_____.” The lambs _____. Mr Bell was ____ ____. 【Task 2】小组合作,有感情地朗读P10-P13 或P14-P17。 【Task 3】读 P18-24, 完成以下句子。 Mr Bell was not cross with Aneesa this time, because _____. 【Task 4】 联系生活,选择”noise” 或 “signs/rules”为中心词,小组合作完成思维导图。(在另外的纸上画思维导图) ( We should not make so much noise _____. But wen can _____ when _____. ) B. ( At / In _____, we should _____. B u t we shouldn ’ t _____. I think _____. ) 【研学评价】I can do.我能攀登。 小组评价:请组长根据同学的表现在相应的栏内打“√”。 评价 项目 自我评价 小组评价 Excellent Good OK Excellent Good OK 学习态度 课堂表现 参与讨论 学习效果 3(课件网) The School Trip 丽声妙想英文绘本第五级 From the cover, I know the title is _____. The writer is _____. Illustrator is _____. The School Trip Alison Hawes Chris Mould (英)Alison Hawes 著 (英)Chris Mould 绘 I see_____. What do you want to know? What …? Where …? When …? Why …? Is …? Our teacher's name is Mr Bell. Last week he took us on a school trip. We went to a farm. We went there in the school bus. Were they happy on the farm? The farmer came out to meet us. Her name was Mrs Hood. She took us to see the farm animals. She said,”The animals do not like a lot of noise, so do not run or shout at them.” What do you know from this page? feed the hens ride the horses hold the lambs and feed them Mr Bell was _____. angry Maybe _____. Why? Mrs Hood took us to see the hens first. Aneesa made a lot of noise that the hens ran away. Mr Bell was cross. He said, “Don’t make so much noise, Aneesa.” noise Mrs Hood got the hens to come back. Then she let us feed them ! Mrs Hood took the children to see other animals next. Could Aneesa keep quiet ? Silent reading 2 minutes 【Task 1】Read P10-P17, and fill in the table. 【Task 1】Read P10-P17, and fill in the table. Animals What did Aneesa do? What happened to the animals? How did Mr Bell feel? Horses lambs Aneesa made so much noise. She said,” I want a ride.” The horses ran away. Mr Bell was cross. Aneesa ... ...

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