
新世纪英语高二上 Unit 8 Advertising 单元同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:53次 大小:1237372Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit Eight Advertising A.基础练习 I. Write down the words according to the definitions. 1._____ throughout the world 2._____take in as a part, an element, or a member 3._____a place or business where clothes, etc. are washed and ironed 4. decide how sth. will look, work, etc. , esp. by making plans, drawings or models of it 5._____have a plan or purpose in mind 6._____the opinion others have of one II. Words transformation. Eg: introduce (v. ) - (n. ) introduction 1. industry(n. ) - (adj. ) _____ 2. include(v. ) - (prep. ) _____ 3. image(n. ) - (v. ) _____ 4. appeal(v. ) - (adj. ) _____ 5. quote(v. ) - (n. )_____ 6. conscious (adj. ) - (n.) _____ III.Translate these phrases. 1. 至少 2. 利用 3. 得病 4. 日常生活 5. 害怕 6. 在左边 7. 潜在的顾客 8. 从左到右 9. 有文化意识的 10. 首先 11. 达到预期目的 12. 建立 13. 关掉 14. 最新款 15.遍及全世界 16. in question 17. appeal to 18. be related to 19. carry out 20. in addition to 21. work out 22. take into account 23. no wonder IV. Complete the following sentences using one of the phrases mentioned above. 1. When judging his performance, don't his age . 2.We need to_____how much food we'll need to take with us. 3. We are sure this book will children of all ages. 4. Studies show that cigarette advertising adolescent's smoking behavior. 5. They were close personal friends business partners. 6. The man has just been chosen as principal of our school. 7. , let's go over the last part before going to the next. 8. my camera was working — there is no battery in it. 9. A survey is now nationwide. 10. Don't forget the light before you go out. V. Verb Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. Do you want to attend me meeting (hold)next week? The man was caught (steal)a diamond ring. He makes it a rule (take)an hour's walk in the garden every day. She seems (read)the novel before. In order to pass the examination, he will spend as much time as he can (review)his lessons. Hardly we (arrive)at the station when it began to rain. I saw a foreign teacher (seat) at the back of the classroom. The lecture was not as good as I (expect). The students each (have)a new book. (tell)many times, she could understand it. VI.Translation 1.评价他的表现时,不必考虑他的年龄。 (take into account) _____ 他的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。 (appeal to) _____ 3.毫无疑问,他是最适合这项工作的人。 (without question) _____ 我不晓得他在这房间里。 (be conscious) _____ 5. 她总想拥有一套属于自己的房子,现在她达到了预期的目的。(reach the expected goal) _____ B.综合提高练习 I. Grammar and vocabulary Section A Directions: For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. China UnionPay now has its eyes on public transportation, with its mobile payment service ___1___ (launch) in the sector in 20 cities in less than five months, according to a report by Securities Times. The domestic payment se ... ...

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