
八年级英语上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show (Section B 2a-2b)教案 +课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:5947904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? (Section B) Teaching Plan ⅠAnalysis of the Teaching Materials and the Teaching Methods The present criteria on curriculum of English for middle school education is promulgated and put into practice to speed up students’ comprehensive and harmonious development. Based on this principle, in the first place, I make an analysis of this teaching material. In this short passage, it mainly depicts a main character—Mickey Mouse. And the whole passage can be divided into three paragraphs. Since this topic is all concerned about this cartoon character, it can easily arouse their interests. Secondly, is the teaching method, that is--how to achieve the teaching aims, will be a very important aspect in this teaching design. In the course of teaching, I will adopt the “Learner-Centered Method”, “Task-based Language Teaching Approach” “Cooperative Approach” as well to cultivate the students’ reading ability, and enhance a cooperative spirit, moreover, train an independent mind. ⅡTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects A. Key words: simple, culture, famous, rich, successful, reason, character... B. phrases: one of the main reasons; be ready to; try one's best... C. Sentence structures: not so...as 2. Ability Objects ①Master the key words and expressions. ②Grasp reading skills to improve reading ability. ③Show one’s own opinion based on a certain topic. 3. Moral Object Help the students to have a view in different culture.. ⅢTeaching Key Points: Master the key words and expressions, and have a good understand of "symbol" in culture. ⅣTeaching Difficulties: ① Make the students to master the key words and expressions. ② Improve the students’ reading ability, and guide them to grasp the reading strategy. ⅤTeaching Aid: Multi-media ⅥTeaching Procedures: Steps T’s activities Ss’ activities Purpose Step1 Warming-up 1.Greetings2. Free talk 1.Greetings2. Free talk SL learning is learn to open your mouth, be brave, and says it out! So, through the usual pre-class training exercise, not only make the students know the importance of speaking, but effectively mobilize the students’ enthusiasm in learning English. Step2 lead-in (Pre-reading) Communicate (Ask and Answer)Lok at the photo and guess what the passage may talk about. Communicate Since this topic is all concerned among junior students, it can easily arouse their interests. Step3Main content (While-reading) 1. Skim the whole passage and let them do--Task1.T: Read the whole passagequickly and match the main ideas with each paragraph. Finish Task 1. Adopt the situational approach to introduce the new words Cultivate the students’ self-learning ability. 2. Scan Para.1 and 3 to finish the timeline.T: Underline what had happened at three important moments. Read para.2 and 3 and find what happened at the three important moments. Go by the Task-based Language Teaching Approach, set a goal first, and then with the questions to read can help the stude ... ...

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