
【公开课】Unit8 It must belong to Carla. SectionB 3a-Self Check复习写作课件(24张PPT) +同步练习+ 音频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:88次 大小:4291456Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B 3a-Self Check同步练习 词汇。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 prevent visit build purpose medicinelead catch enemy especial history 1. People like to go to the place in June. 2. A group of English volunteers tried another Stonehenge, but they couldn’t. 3. They think the stones could illness. 4. The position of the stones must be for a special . 5. She might be running a bus to work. 6. Miss Li is a good and we all believe in her. 7. Her recovery(恢复) is a miracle. 8. Stonehenge attracts plenty of every year. 9. Birds are natural of many insects. 10. Some believed Stonehenge was a temple. 二、单选。 1. His family are worried about him because they haven't _____ letters from him for a long time. A.accepted     B.received C.written D.collected 2..—What's the _____ of your interview? —To find the secret of his success. A.purpose B.choice C.society D.position 3. does the sun give us light, it gives us heat. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Too; to D. Not only; but also 4.The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around, in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists. A. especially B. generally C. probably D. possibly 5.It's our duty to prevent the environment _____ being polluted . A.of B.for C.from D.In 三、完成句子 1.巨石阵建起来是为了庆祝与敌人斗争的胜利。 Stonehenge was _____to celebrate a _____over an_____. 2.你知道这台机器是做什么的吗? Do you know _____the machine_____? 3.你能指出我的错误吗? Can you _____my mistakes? 4.这些石头能预防疾病,使人保持健康。 The stones can _____and keep people_____. 5.我们可以用某种方式帮助他们。 We can help them_____. 四、完形填空。 Taos is a small town in New Mexico, USA. Many people come here for a visit every year. They do not come to see the beautiful scenes (景色)???1???eat delicious food. They come to listen to a kind of??2???sound: the Taos Hum. The word “hum” means a low sound that never stops.???3???is the sound strange? Firstly, the Taos Hum that people hear is quite??4??. Someone says it sounds like a little bee flying around you. Others think it sounds like a car moving in a faraway (遥远的) place. Secondly,???5???knows where the sound comes from. Joe Mullins, a scientist from the University of New Mexico, is one of the first persons to do???6???on the hum. He put some instruments in places where people could hear the hum, but those instruments couldn't “hear” any hum! Others who wanted to find the hum failed, too. Many people try to???7???that strange sound. Someone says it is a noise made by insects. Someone believes it must come from some secret projects. Someone says there??8???be an underground UFO base! But no one is sure which is right. It might be interesting for??9???to listen to the hum, but it is not for people who live in the town. They have to hear the sound???10??. That is really a hard life. (??? )1. A. but ? ? ? ? ?? B. if???????????? C. so ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D. or ... ...

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