
2020年人教精通版六年级英语上册Unit 6教学课件

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:12925952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 31 人教(精通)英语六年级上 Spring is green. Summer is red. Fall is golden. Winter is white.. Spring is green. Summer is red. Fall is golden. Winter is white. There are four seasons in a year. sea son 合作学习策略: 合作技能: 1、复述通行证 耐心等候 2、坐庄法 赞美他人和回应赞美 3、接力法 表示感谢和回应感谢 Learning Aims(学习目标): 1、Learn the new words: season, spring,warmer, longer, leaves,a lot of,long sleep. 2、Read and talk about spring. 1、Spring is the season. A: first B: fourth 3、In China, springtime begins around . 春季 2、Spring is the season. A: red B: green Listen and choose: A: April B: March Learning Tips: 1.根据关键词说句子。 2. 前一个同学确认复述无误,第二个同学才能开始发言。 3.注意认真倾听,用时2分钟。 合作学习策略———复述通行证 1. four seasons 2.spring first 3. spring green 4.springtime March Key Words: Say about Spring Animals 动物 Weather 天气 Plants 植物 Activities 活动 Learning Tips: 1.小组合作完成课文诵读。 ( 2分钟) 2.独立思考,将问题的答案圈在书上。(1分钟) 3.组内汇报交流,认真倾听,鼓励小组成员积极 发言。(2分钟) 4.小组汇报。 合作学习策略———坐庄法 Animals 动物 Weather 天气 Plants 植物 Activities 活动 a little cold warmer and warmer longer and longer leaves a lot of long sleep leaf 许多 冬眠 farm the land go on outings 种地 去郊游 enjoy 享受 一点冷 越来越暖和 越来越长 树叶(复数) many warm warmer cold January February March -15℃ -6℃ 6℃ warm cold colder The weather gets warmer and warmer in spring. January February March 8 hours 9 hours 10 hours long longer short The days get longer and longer. long short shorter I like spring. Spring is _____. Spring begins around _____. The weather is _____in spring. The trees _____. The birds_____. We _____. 写写你眼中的春天,描述出来。 Learning Tips: 1.根据学习单提示,独立思考,写下你眼中的春天。(1分钟) 2.组内接力每人用一句话来描述春天。( 2分钟) 3.不能重复其他成员已经说过的内容。 4.如果有成员说不出来可以请求其他组员帮助。 5.汇总所有信息,由一名成员向全班汇报。 合作学习策略———接力法 写写你眼中的春天,描述出来。 I like spring. Spring is _____. Spring begins around _____. The weather is _____in spring. The trees _____. The birds_____. We _____. 写写你眼中的春天,描述出来。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 西风颂 雪莱〔英〕

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