
Module 2 Unit 4 Can you do my homework 课件(26张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:3864576Byte 来源:二一课件通
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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级上册 Period 1 Module 2 Abilities Let’s sing ! Free talk What can you do? I can _____. How old is Jiamin? Let's count the candles together! One, two, … He is ten years old. Today is Jiamin’s birthday. count the candles Look and guess Guess: What present is it? A talking robot! And it can speak English! What can the robot do? Look and guess 1. Read the first part and answer the questions.(默读课文第一部分,回答问题。) (1) What day is it today? (2) Who gives Jiamin a present? (3) Who is Robbie? Tips:1. Read silently with your heart(心里默读) 2. Underline the key sentences on your book. (书上划出关键句。) Task1. Read the first part and anwser the questions. (默读第一部分,回答问题。) (1) What day is it today? It's Jiamin's birthday. Task 1. Read the first part and anwser the questions. (默读第一部分,回答问题。) (2) Who gives Jiamin a present? Jiamin's parents give Jiamin a present. (3) Who is Robbie? Robbie is the Robot. Task 1. Read the first part and anwser the questions. (默读第一部分,回答问题。) Task 2.Read the rest parts in your group and try to finish the Mind-map with your group members. (小组内阅读课文剩下的部分,和组员一起完成思维导图。) Tips:1. Underline the key sentences on your book. (书上划出关键句。) 2. Write down the key words on the Mind-map. (在思维导图上写关键词。) speak English clean the room sing and dance draw count write Chinese and English do homework Task 2.Read the rest parts in your group and try to finish the Mind-map with your group members. (小组内阅读课文剩下的部分,和组员一起完成思维导图。) Will Robbie do Jiamin’s homework? Robbie can do homework, but he won’t do . As pupils, we should do homework by ourselves! 作为学生,我们应该自己独立自主完成作业! Let's read aloud ! Follow the recording and read the story aloud! (跟录音大声朗读课文故事。) Happy birthday, Jiamin! Here is your present. Hello! My name is Robbie the Robbot. I am here to help you. A talking robot! And it can speak English! Thank you so much. What can you do, Robbie? I am good at many things. Can you clean my room? Yes. I am good at cleaning. I can clean very well. Watch! Wow! Mum will be very happy. Can you sing and dance? Of course I can. I can draw. I can count. I can write Chinese and English. And I can write very fast, too. Wow! You can do everything. Can you do my homework? Of course I can, but I won't. Task 3 Retell the story speak English clean the room sing and dance draw count write Chinese and English do homework But he won’t. Today is Jiamin’s _____. His parents give him a _____. His name is _____. He is good at many things. He can _____. He can_____. He can _____. ……. But he _____. 复述形式(二选一) 1. 组内每人轮流接 龙说。 2. 整组齐说。 Jiamin's parents Jiamin Robbie (a talking robot) Step 1. Draw your robot in your group together. Step 2. Discuss(讨论) and write down what your robot can do on the Mind-map. What can our robot do? Step 3. Introduce(介绍) your robot like this: Hello, everyone. ... ...

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