
Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip Lesson 23 An Email from Li Ming课件+素材(28张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:13次 大小:7481412Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 冀教版 英语五年级 下册 Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip? Lesson 23 An Email from Li Ming 用到哪个点哪个 Learning goals 能够听、说、认读并书写词汇back ? 能够认读、理解并运用基本句型: 主语 + had a great time with + 某人 (+其他). ? 能够读出句子中两词间的连读。 ? 能够学会并演唱新歌谣。 ? After Jenny and Danny came back to Canada, Li Ming missed them very much. So today, Li Ming sends an email to them. Guess what is the email about? Free talk ? Look at the photos Li Ming sends, and talk about the photos. What happened in these photos? Free talk Look and think 2. What does Li Ming want to know about Danny? 3. Who is the photo of the panda for? 1. What is the email about? Text learning: Li Ming’s email Text learning: Li Ming’s email Watch and answer It’s about photos. 点击,播放视频 He wants to know how Danny’s tail is. It’s for Danny. 1. What is the email about? 2. What does Li Ming want to know about Danny? 3. Who is the photo of the panda for? back 回原处;向后 They went _____ home together yesterday. back back Key words 【教材原文】I had a great time with you in Beijing. 主语 + had a great time with + 某人 (+其他). 句式结构 Key sentence 表达过去和某人玩得很开心的句型——— ...had a great time with... 知识点1 Key sentence 和家人或朋友外出游玩后,我们可以用此句型表达和他们玩得很开心。 had是have的过去式,在此处意为"经受,经历"。"had a great time with.."意为"和……(过去)玩得很开心"。 用法详解 1 2 小点睛:"had a good time with.."和"had fun with... " 也表示"和……(过去)玩得很开心"。 例句 我昨天在公园和朋友们玩得很开心。 1. I _____ with my friends in the park yesterday. 2. I _____ with my friends in the park yesterday. 3. I _____ with my friends in the park yesterday. had a great time had a good time had fun Key sentence Key sentence 刚从杭州游玩回来的菲菲正在跟奇奇聊天。 情景示例 Let’s act 分组活动,每组四人,分角色扮演李明、詹妮、丹尼和金朗读电子 邮件内容和对话。 要求:1.注意语音语调、表情和动作。 2.一个小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分,得分最高的小组 赢得奖励。 朗读基本流利,表情和动作基本到位。 朗读较为流利,表情和动作比较到位。 基本能够脱稿,表情和动作十分到位。 Tick or cross 1. The photo of the panda is for Danny. 2. Danny hurt his leg on the Great Wall. 3. Jenny helped Danny. 4. Li Ming had a great time with Danny and Jenny in Beijing. 5. This email is from Jenny and Danny. √ × √ × √ Answer the questions. ●What did Li Ming send to Danny and Jenny? ●What happened to Danny at Tian’anmen Square? ●Did Danny buy the toy panda in Beijing? He sent them some photos of their trip. He hurt his arm. Yes, he did. Let’s chant! What did you do? I walked to school. What did you do? I went to the zoo. What did you do? I watched a kangaroo. What did you do? I ate the donuts, too. Listen and repeat. 我们在Lesson17学习了“词末辅音+词首元音”型连读,今天我们将学习"词末r/re+词首元音"型连读:如果前一个单词以r或re结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后一个单词的词首元 ... ...

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