
Unit1 We have new frlends(Lesson5) 教案含教学反思

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:13次 大小:33792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 We have new friends Lesson 5 教学设计 一、学情分析 五年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是四年级的发展又是六年级的铺垫。学生们虽然有了两年英语学习的经验,但学习兴趣却有所下降,部分学生产生学习惰性,甚至有厌恶感。因此需要改进课堂教学方式,让课堂活动形式更加多样化。但由于五年级学生个性比起三四年级学生已趋向沉稳,活动不易太过夸张太过幼稚,应采取适合学生年龄的活动方式促进师生的课堂互动。 二、教学目标 1. 学习并掌握重点句式:Where do you live? I live on…city. I live in…road/street. 单词:city, road, street。 2. 在课堂活动和操练中学会用重点句式描述自己大概的家庭住址。 3. 通过情感教育,增强孩子对家乡的热爱,树立保护环境保持家乡美景的环保意识。 三、教学重难点 重点:学习并掌握重点句式:Where do you live? I live on…city. I live in…road/street. 单词:city, road, street。 难点:在课堂活动和操练中学会用重点句式描述自己大概的家庭住址。 四、教学过程 (一)Warm-up/Revision 1. Introduce the competition in this class 2. Sing a song: Where are you from? (二)Presentation 1. Show a picture of gifts and a postman T: I want to reward you with so many gifts. And I ask the postman to send the gifts to you. Then he gives me a piece of express paper. 2. Show the express paper. A blank 揘ame is on the paper. Use it to review the sentences: Whats your name? My name is Another blank is 揂ddress. Guess what抯 the meaning of it? It means the place you live. Lead to the new word 搇ive. Show pictures: a bird lives in the nest, a dog lives in the doghouse and a bear lives in the tree. Use these pictures to tell students the meaning of the word 搇ive. Ask the students: Where do you live? (Write the sentence on the blackboard). 3. Game: Frogs jump In this game, students stand up one by one to practice the word 搇ive and the sentence 揥here do you live? 4. Show some pictures of cities T: Where do you live? How to answer this question? First, I should fill in a blank: _____city. Teach the new word: city. Show the picture of Beijing. T: If you are a citizen of Beijing City. You should say: I live in Beijing City. How about the other cities? How about the Happy City? If you live here, you should say: I live in the Happy City. (Write it on the blackboard). 5. Passing game In this game, there抯 a box and there are some cards in the box. The cities names were written on the cards. Then the teacher play music and students pass the box one by one. When the music stops, the passing should stop, too. The student who has this box should stand up and take out a card from the box. The other students should ask: Where do you live? And the one should answer: I live in卌ity. If he or she can answer correctly, the teacher will give a point to their group. 6. Teach the word: road and street. Another blank is on the express paper: _____road/street. Show a map of Hanmo primary school. And tell the students on the map which direction is street and which direction is road. T: For example: Hanmo Street. If you live here, you should say: I live on Hanmo Street. Dengtiemei Road, if you ... ...

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