
Unit5 Let's eat! PartA Let's spell课件(共60张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:118538859Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Let’s eat! Lesson three U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Warm up U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,一笔完成 占中间一格,一笔完成 Let's watch. U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation orange on 22 Point and say. Oo orange on U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,两笔完成 占中下两格,两笔完成 22 Point and say. Oo 11 orange on U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation pig pen U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,两笔完成 占中下两格,一笔完成 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation queen quiet 20 Let's watch. 9 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,两笔完成 占中间一格,一笔完成 20 Let's watch. 9 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation rice red U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,一笔完成 占中间一格,一笔完成 20 Let's watch. 9 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation Sarah six U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation 占上中两格,两笔完成 占上中两格,两笔完成 20 Let's watch. 9 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation tiger ten U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Presentation Watch and imitate. U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 第一关:字母名 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Sharp eyes U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 说一说下列图片像哪个字母 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and say U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 第二关:字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds p b k q s c r l d t Listen and circle. Practice U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 听听是哪个字母的字母音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Oo Qq U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Pp Ss U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Pp Qq U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Tt Ll U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Rr Ss U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice Look and tick Oo Pp U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 第三关:相关单词 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice 找到单词并说出首字母发音 U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice orange U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice ten U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice six U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice queen U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice queen quiet ten six tiger U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice _ i g p q o r s t U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice _ ueen p q o r s t U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice _ uiet p q o r s t U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice _ iger p q o r s t U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice _ range p q o r s t U4 Let's eat Letters and sounds Practice ... ...

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