
Unit1 We have new frlends(Lesson5) 课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:60次 大小:2628608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 We have new friends Lesson5 What is the song about (这首歌主要内容是什么?) A. Schoolbag B. Friends 如果你认为老师说的事属实,请拍手两次; 如果你认为老师所说与事实不符合,请跺脚两次。 Park Kate mother Listen and answer Listening tips:不要逐字逐句听,注意抓住关键词哦! Q1:What’s Kate’s friend’s name Q2:How old is she Her name is Zhou Pei. She’s ten. What’s she like long hair big eyes short hair small eyes Listen and answer Listening tips:不要逐字逐句听,注意抓住关键词哦! What’s she like Listen and answer She has _____ _____ hair and _____ _____ eyes. beautiful long big bright (明亮的) light right bright Listen, read and guess. Listening tips:结合文字与图片,猜一猜active的中文意思。 She’s a pretty girl. She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. She’s cute and active. 活跃的 Is she good at her school work Listen and answer (擅长) (功课) Yes, she’s good at _____, _____ and _____. Chinese maths science Is he/she good at his/her schoolwork Yes, he’s/she’s good at _____. No, he/she isn’t. What about your friend Listen and follow Learning tips:注意模仿正确的语音语调。 Mum: Who’s that girl, Kate Kate: She is my new friend. Mum: What’s her name Kate: Her name is Zhou Pei. Mum: How old is she Kate: She’s ten. She’s a pretty girl. She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. She’s cute and active. Mum: Is she good at her school work Kate: Yes, she’s good at Chinese, maths and science. Read them better. 挑战一下,试着把他们读的更好听。 She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. She’s cute and active. Is she good at her school work Yes, she’s good at Chinese, maths and science. Mum: Who’s that girl, Kate Kate: She is my new friend. Mum: What’s her name Kate: Her name is Zhou Pei. Mum: How old is she Kate: She’s ten. She’s a pretty girl. She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. She’s cute and active. Mum: Is she good at her school work Kate: Yes, she’s good at Chinese, maths and science. Read freely Reading tips:自由读对话,注意语音语调。 Mum: Who’s that girl, Kate Kate: She is my new friend. Mum: What’s her name Kate: Her name is Zhou Pei. Mum: How old is she Kate: She’s ten. She’s a pretty girl. She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. She’s cute and active. Mum: Is she good at her school work Kate: Yes, she’s good at Chinese, maths and science. Role play 同桌分角色朗读对话。 Reading tips:注意语音语调与表情动作。 你可以选择一个场景, 和同桌介绍一个你的朋友。 In the class at the sports meeting on QQ Make a new dialogue. at a birthday party Make a new dialogue. name appearance 外貌 character 性格 good at age friend Is he/she good at his/her schoolwork Yes,she’s good at _____. Who’s that boy/girl He/She is my new friend. What’s his/her name His/Her name is_____. How old is he/she He’s/She’s_____. He’s/She’s a _____boy/girl. He / She has_____. ... ...

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