
Unit 1 Lesson 4 Numbers 1-5教案

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:96次 大小:1576960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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冀教版 三年级上册 课题名称 Lesson 4 Numbers 1-5 教学目标 知识与技能目标 (1) 学习数字1-5的英语表达法,能听、说、认、读这些数字;初步认识名词单复数的用法及句子How many… ?;并通过交际学习Nice to meet you.。 (2) 能拓展对数字的应用,感受数字在生活中存在的广泛性与重要性;通过一系列的任务活动,能够具备主动用英语思考以及解决某些问题的能力。 情感态度目标 通过本课学习,在丰富多彩的游戏活动中,能熟练运用本课知识,增强学习兴趣,提高英语的交际能力,能结合实际生活,创设真实情境,关注生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性。 学习策略目标 能通过多样性的活动(如:唱歌,同桌练习对话和拍手游戏,听音出示卡片活动,记忆数字游戏等)和教学评价(小星星),体验到学习的乐趣,产生对学习英语的兴趣和积极性,在英语课堂中不断体验进步与成功。 教学重点 数字1-5的正确认读;名词单复数的初步应用。 教学难点 如何结合实际生活,创设大量真实、生动的语言情境,拓展学生对数字的应用,让学生感受数字在生活中存在的广泛性和重要性;名词单复数的初步应用。 教学准备 (1) 数字卡片(教师用)和数字卡片(学生用)。 (2) 评价卡片(星星)。 (3) 多媒体课件。 教学过程 教学环节 与时间 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Class opening and review 2 minutes Divide the class into two teams. In this lesson, if they do well in listening, speaking and reading, they will get some stars for their teams. At last, let’s see which team will get more stars. 1、Greeting Let’s sing a song “How are you?” 2、Review Say”Hello” to the students. Review“Hello.What’s your name? How are you?” T1 says hello to the teacher. T2 says hello to the teacher. Greeting Sing a song. 2、Review Say “Hello” to the teacher. Say” Hello. My name is … . I’m fine, thanks.” to the teacher. 将全班同学分为两组,有效调动学生参与活动的积极性,而且评价分为听、说、读三方面进行,更加细致,可以更好的看清楚学生们在学习中存在的不足与优势。 音乐是美妙的,能给人以美的享受。通过歌曲引入课堂,营造轻松愉快的氛围,能使学生很快地集中注意力。 简单的问候能拉近师生间的距离,激发学生说英语的热情,同时复习了以前学过的知识,为新知的学习打下基础. New Concepts I 2 minutes Demonstration Say “Nice to meet you.” to the students. Let the students read “Nice to meet you.” and ”Nice to meet you, too.” after the teacher with actions. Practice Ask the students to practice “Nice to meet you.” and ”Nice to meet you, too.” with their partners. Demonstration The students read “Nice to meet you.” and “Nice to meet you, too.” after the teacher with actions. 2、Practice The students practise “Nice to meet you.” and ”Nice to meet you, too.” with their partners. 在交际中学习Nice to meet you.更加自然。 通过小组活动巩固所学日常用语,可以让更多的学生参与进来在交际中练习口语。 New Concepts II 15 minutes Demonstration (1)Demonstrate “one” after reviewing “chair,desk, book,boy,girl,teacher”. (2)Demonstrate “two” using “1+1=2”. (3)Demonstrate “three” using “1+2=3”. (4)Demonstrate “four” after reading some numbers. (5)Demonstrate “five” after listening some drum sounds. Practice (1) Ask the students to read the five new words. (2) Clap hands with ... ...

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