
Unit1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson1) 全英文表格式教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:67次 大小:79872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(六年上 Lesson 1)Teaching design Subject English Topic Lesson 1 Grade Edition (精通) Type New Teaching Period Teacher Unit Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00. Telephone Teaching background analysis Teaching materials analysis Lucy is a new friend from London, she e-mails Li Yan about her daily life, and hopes that Li Yan would write back to her. Ask the students to perceive, understand and learn in this situation. Finally, let them use the new knowledge to communicate and talk about their daily life. Ss analysis This lesson is for Grade Six. They have learned a lot of vocabularies about this lesson, just like: get up, go to school, go home, watch TV, go to bed. This topic is about daily life. It's very close to our life. So I design a time line on the blackboard to set up a real situation for our students. They would like to talk about it in English. Knowledge objectives: Ss can listen, read and say the words and sentences: I get up at 7:30 in the morning. 2. Ss Can read and understand the text correctly. Ability objectives: Ss can use the words and sentences to talk about their daily life. Affect objectives: 1. Dare to speak English and cooperate with the other Ss actively. 2. We should cherish our time. Learning Strategies: Ss can make their timetable, manage their time properly and communicate with the others actively. Key points 1. Remember the new sentences: I get up at 7:30 in the morning ...... 2. Read the text fluently and understand it correctly Difficulties Ss can make a timetable to manage their time and introduce their daily life. Teaching method T抯 teaching method Ss learning method Teaching preparation Knowledge expansion Help the Ss to make a timetable. Let them cherish the time and manage their time properly. Teaching aids Computer , PPT and some word cards. Teaching Process Teaching steps T抋ctivities Ss抋ctivities Step One Warming- up/Revision 1. Free talk. T: Welcome back to school. Let's talk about the summer holiday. T: I learned English on the internet every day. and sometimes I went to see a movie. What about you? 2. Guess and talk. T: I have a presents for you. Please guess, what is it? Yes. A clock. It is very useful and important in our life. It can tell us the time. T: what抯 the time? What do you usually do at ? 1.Talk about their summer holidays. S1: I have English lessons every day. S2: I play computer games. 2. Guess, what is it? Talk with teacher. I get up at 7:00 I go to school at 7:00 I go home at 5:10 I have dinner at 5:10. It抯 ready for the new lesson and inspire their learning interests. Step Two Pre-reading 1. Show the email box. T: Do you have an email box? Whose email box is this? Where is the email from? 2. Show the questions. ①Where is Lucy from? ②How old is she? ③what is the email about? A. family B. daily life 3. Check the answers. Show the “Time Line” Help the Ss to understand the meaning of “daily life”. 1. Talk with the T. Know something about the email. 2. Read the questions. Watch the cartoon ... ...

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