
Unit1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson2) 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:32次 大小:46592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题 Unit 1 Lesson 2 年级 6 姓名 学校 教材版本 人教版 学科 英语 教 学 目 标 通过本课学习,学生能够用英语介绍自己的一日生活。 2.听说读写get up, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, watch TV 等描述一日生活的动词短语。 3.掌握本课重点的句子结构 I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning I don’t have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. 4.通过本课的学习和讨论激发学生热爱生活的积极情感,同时培养学生珍惜时间以及合理分配时间的良好品德和习惯。 教学 重点 掌握本课的四会词语及重点句型 教学 难点 能够运用所学的动词短语介绍自己的一日生活 掌握字母组合ea的正确发音 媒体 手段 WPS幻灯片演示 教学过程 意图 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Free talk T: What do you like doing in English class? 2. Listen to an English song T: Do you know the name of the song? Step2. Presentation 1. The teacher introduce today抯 topic: time T: What time is it? Ss: It抯 seven o抍lock. T: Maybe at seven in the morning or at seven in the afternoon. To learn: am pm 2. To learn the new sentences T: What do you often do at seven in the morning / evening? S1: I often have breakfast at seven in the morning. S2: I don抰 have breakfast at seven in the morning. (Ask some students answer this question) To talk abot the teacher抯 daily life. Show a timetable to the students T: Look! This is my daily life. What do I do every day? To learn: have breakfast / lunch / dinner = have meals School begins. School ends. = School is over. Step 3 Practice 1. Show Jean抯 daily life and talk about it. 2. Ask the students to talk about their own daily life. 3.Fill in the forms The teacher ask some questions about their daily lives. Step 4 Summarizing The teacher tells the students that time is very important for people. Give them one motto about time. Ask the students show some motto about time to the others 此环节通过师生对话谈论英语课堂上的活动导入chant 的学习 此热身环节旨在通过猜歌曲的名字导入本课教学 此环节学习in the morning 和 in the afternoon / evening的缩写表达am / pm 便于学生理解记忆 此环节通过师生问答学习本课重点句型。 此环节通过了解教师的一日作息时间学习本课表示一日生活的动词短语并能根据合理的时间表达正确的活动。 在此环节学习过程中帮助学生区分三餐的用法以及上学与放学的表达方式。 此环节让学生分辨合理的作息时间,并给予合理的建议 此环节在学习如何表达一日生活之后让每个学生介绍自己的平日生活 此环节让学生以小组为单位边听同学介绍边填表,既培养学生的听写能力,又养成学生学会倾听的好习惯 教学过程 意图 3. Show the daily life of Peter 4.To learn the chant tep4 Extended activities Do some reading Ask the students to read a short passage about time and then finish some exercises. 此环节让学生分析Peter的日常生活是否合理并根据实际情况给予合理的建议,增强学生合理安排作息时间的意识 突破字母组合ea 的发音 此环节让学生通过阅读加深对时间的认知,培养珍惜时间的良好品质。 教学过程 意图 板书设计 Unit 1 Lesson2 Love our time I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. I don’t have breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. ... ...

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