
Unit5 July is the seventh month.(Lesson27) 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:79次 大小:38400Byte 来源:二一课件通
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精通版六年级英语上册 Unit5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 27 一、Teaching aims: 1、Ss are able to learn the drills : September/October is the ninth/tenth month of the year. 2、学生能够听、说、读、写的单词 September October Teachers’ Day National Day 二、Teaching important : 1、Ss are able to learn the drills :September/October is the ninth/tenth month of the year. 2、学生能够听、说、读、写的单词 September October Teachers’ Day National Day Teaching difficulty: Ss can able to understand the sentences:They celebrate Teachers’ Day on September 10th .China’s National Day is on October 1st. 三、Teaching aids: 1,cards slide 四、Studying procedures Step 1 Warming up 1、Greetings (1) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn English together .My English name is May .You can call me May . (2)Free talk (3)T; Boys and girls .First ,now we will divide class into 2 Groups .September Groups and October Groups . Let抯 have a match. Which group is the winner ? Are you ready ? (Yes ,I抦 ready )I believe you are best . (4)Boys and girls , do you like playing a game ? Yes ,let抯 play a game together . Step 2 Presentation (1)T :Wow , youre best ,do you like puzzles ? Ss: Yes .Look at the picture . who will make the picture complete ?(找一个学生拼图) T: Good , boys and girls .What can you see in the picture ? Ss: flower ,Teacher s’ Day …… T:教读Teacher s’ Day(板书) T: Yes ,they celebrate Teachers’ Day .教读celebrate并板书 Good , Which month is Teachers’ Day ? Ss: September . Let’s read : September ( 板书) Ask : September is the ( )month of the year .(教读句子并板书) (4)When is Teachers’ Day ? What are the students doing on Teachers’ Day ? (watch cartoon ,answer the questions ) 1.Teachers’ Day is on September 10th. 2.The students are giving their flowers to show their love .(教读这两个句子) (5)用思维导图老师领着复述课文。 (6)You’re great .Boys and girls ,Which month is the tenth month of the year ? Ss: October .(师教读并板书) (7)ask : October is the ( ) month of the year .(教读句子并板书) (8)What festival is in October ? Let’s watch the video . Ss: National Day .板书 (9) Cool!You are clever .boys and girls ,Please look at the slide .I give you two questions ,Four students in a group, Please open your books and turn to page 59 . Please read the text and discuss them. 1.When is China’s National Day? What are the children doing National Day? Ss: 1.China ’s National Day is on October 1st. 2. The students are celebrating National Day .(师教读句子) (10)Retell the text . Step3: practice Super , boys and girls , please watch the cartoon and read the text .(教读) OK,Then let’s practice Four students in a group ,read the text and retell the text .(四人小组根据思维导图复述课文) Retell the text (找学生根据思维导图复述课文) Good job .Fill in the blanks together .(填空) (5)Super ,boys and girls ,let’s play another game together .(Month Shows) You choose A,B,C,D and choose one star ,two stars and three stars. Steps S ... ...

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