
Unit 1 People around us Period 2 Reading II & Listening 25张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:15次 大小:29392815Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 牛津深圳版 七年级下册 Module 1 People and places Unit 1 People around us Period 2 Reading II & Listening encourage forget free smell hard-working laugh patient smart cheerful remain Review Look and read the words: 忘记 成功的 free 严厉的 耐心的 支持 想念 笑话 取笑 工作努力的 Review Review Fill in the blanks to according to the story of P3: Ben's grandma was _____ and she had grey _____. She was always cheerful. She was a very good cook. She took care of her _____, and she was very kind and _____. But she _____ two years ago. short hair family patient died Review Alice is Joyce's best _____. She is _____ and she wears a pair of _____. She often tells _____ but she never makes fun of others. She is very _____ and good at Maths. Alice and Joyce often study and play table tennis together. friend tall glasses jokes smart Review Mr Li is Amy's Maths _____. He is _____ and _____. He often uses lots of _____ in his teaching. He is _____ about his studies, but he always _____ his students and give them support. teacher tall thin games strict encourages Let's do Read the three articles on page 3 to find out about the three people below. Then complete the table: Ben's _____ short, with grey hair _____ two years ago grandma died Let's do Joyce's _____ _____, with _____ Good at _____ best friend tall glasses Maths Let's do Amy's _____ _____ and _____ Always _____ his students Maths teacher tall thin encourages Let's do Read the articles again and answer the questions below in complete sentences: 1.What did Ben's grandma do for his family? 2.How does Alice make Joyce laugh? His grandma took care of Ben’s family. Alice often tells Joyce jokes. Let's do 3.What do Alice and Joyce often do together? 4.Why are Mr Li’s classes always full of fun? 5.How does Mr Li encourage his students? They often study and play table tennis together. Because Mr Li uses lots of games in his teaching. He often says, “Never give up and you will be successful.” Discuss the questions with your classmates: Discuss 1.What is special about your grandma/ grandpa? 2.What kind of person would you like to make friends with? 3.What do you like about your teachers? Pre-listening Look and talk about the picture: Who do you want to know about? What does she/he look like? Pre-listening Describe the people that you want to know: You can use the following words: beautiful/ handsome/ ugly/ ... tall/ short/ thin/ fat/ strong/ ... young/ old/ about/ ... years old/ ... long hair/ short hair/ straight hair/ curly hair/ black hair/ ... wear glasses/ wear blue cap/ ... Listening Sara is phoning her grandma to ask about their relatives in Australia. Listen to their conversation and take notes. Write one word or figure in each blank: strong glasses grey 51 Listening 1.55 thin black 45 Listening Can you help Sara find her uncle and aunt in the photo below? Draw arrows and label each of them: Group work Play games: Who is she/ he? Describe a p ... ...

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