
冀教版英语七年级上Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 16 Happy or Sad教案(1课时)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:15次 大小:33792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson16 Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims Knowledge Section: Master the following words:terrible, happen, lost, fire, raise Common phrases:come up with, car wash, cookie sale Skill Section Continue to build up the ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially enable the students to make sentences in English about how to help others. Affect Section Get students to know what they should do if their friends meet problems. Teaching Focus Vocabulary and patterns in this lesson 3. Difficult points Express their thoughts about helping others. Teaching Aids Multimedia, radio-tape Teaching Procedures Step I Class Opening (1 minute) Greeting T: Good morning, class! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Guo! Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. [设计思路:使用亲切、贴近生活的问候语言拉近师生关系,带学生自然进入英语氛围。] Step II Review(5 minutes) The teacher shows some exercises on the PPT. Students do the exercises and check the answers together. Step III New Concepts (22 minutes) New words Read and recite. Learning aims Let students know about the aims Lead-in Free talk: T: Work in groups. Imagine you work for a company that helps poor children. What will you do for them? How will you help them? Discuss with your classmates and make a plan. Ss: Show their plans. ... (The teacher presents some ideas to help students make plans.) 2. Future study of the text T: Ask the students to read the test, and then answer the questions in exercise 1 on page 41. Ask the students to find the phrase on PPT. 3. Language points T: After reading, let’s study the language points in this lesson. (1). something terrible 可怕的事情。 当形容词修饰不定代词时放在不定代词的后边。 e.g: There is nothing interesting in today’s newspaper. (2). come up with 想出(主意,计划等) e.g: He came up with a good idea. (3). raise 筹集, 饲养,提高,抬起 e.g: They raised much money for the poor people. e.g: His grandma raises five chickens. e.g: There is too much noise. He has to raise his voice. e.g: Please raise your hand if you have any question. Step III Practice The teacher shows the exercise on the PPT. Students do the exercises and check with the help of the teacher. Step IV Class Closing Let抯 see our homework for today. Review the key points in this lesson. Finish off the exercises in Activity Book. Preview the next lesson.

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