
人教版(新课程标准) 必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics课后习题含解析(4份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:70次 大小:317716Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit1Culturalrelics SectionⅠ WarmingUp,Pre-reading, Reading&Comprehending 课后篇巩固提升 一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 in search of belong to in return less than be worth without doubt by design at war 1.She sometimes does things         just to make me angry.? 答案by design 2.He had taken some valuables        another person.? 答案belonging to 3.The police published information on the Internet           the murderer.? 答案in search of 4.My wife bought me a gold watch on my birthday.I will give her a diamond ring on her birthday       .? 答案in return 5.The meeting has been,          ,one of the most useful meetings we have had so far.? 答案without doubt 6.I paid $50 for the MP4,but he thought it            $5 at most.? 答案was worth 7.She looks very tall,but in fact,she is         1.65 metres.? 答案less than 8.In the 1930s,the two countries were         and his father was fighting at the front.? 答案at war 二、同义句改写 1.He will pass the exam without doubt because he is always studying hard.                      he will pass the exam because he is always studying hard.? 答案There is no doubt that 2.It took a team of the country’s artists about ten years to make it. A team of the country’s artists      about ten years             it.? 答案spent;in making 3.I will have my house painted today. I will                my house today.? 答案have someone paint 4.He is one member of the football club. He           the football club.? 答案belongs to 5.The boy went into the kitchen to look for a drink. The boy went into the kitchen                a drink.? 答案in search of 三、运用Reading部分的词汇完成句子 1.—A car accident happened yesterday. —I saw it.Luckily all the people in the car       (生还).? 答案survived 2.As soon as the cake is done,     (移动) it from the oven.? 答案remove 3.—He has bought a new house. —Yes.He is busy        ?(装修) it.? 答案decorating 4.As far as I know,the designers who      (设计) all our bank cards have made our life easier.? 答案designed 5.My friend Tom is          (寻找) his lost bicycle,which is said to be       (值) five hundred yuan.Both of us like the        (图案) on it,which are very      ?(奇特的).Though I      ?(怀疑) whether we can find it,I am trying my best to help him.? 答案in search of;worth;designs;fancy;doubt 四、单句语法填空 1.She has done some worthwhile things during the summer vacation,and she is worthy of          (praise).? 答案being praised 2.There is still some doubt        they will go to America for their holidays this week,but there is no doubt      they will go there on May Day.? 答案whether;that 3.China is at the best time      economy is developing.? 答案when 4.Claire had her luggage        ?(check) an hour before her plane left.? 答案checked 5 ... ...

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