
人教版(新课程标准) 必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour课时作业含解析(4份打包)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:75次 大小:635392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 A taste of English humour 课时作业11 Grammar Ⅰ.用括号内单词的正确形式填空 1.Her job is keeping (keep) the lecture hall as clean as possible. 2.The satisfying (satisfy) result made people present very happy. 3.I didn't see anyone sitting (sit) there when I passed by. 4.During the days to_come (come) we'll make good preparations for the sports meeting. 5.The woman looking (look) at her map is a relative of my mother's. 6.People in this area need much drinking (drink) water. 7.Doing nothing is doing (do) ill. 8.Can you smell anything burning (burn)? 9.We heard them quarrelling (quarrel) about money after the concert; they looked very angry. 10.He gave us an inspiring speech. We were all inspired. (inspire) 11.Not having done enough practice, he could hardly make himself understood with his broken (break) English. 12.With so many problems to_solve (solve), Jack looks like a cat on hot bricks. 13.The machine is out of order, so we'll have to get it repaired (repair). 14.I noticed my little son read the words written (write) on his small blackboard. 15.John received an invitation to the dinner, and with his work finished (finish), he gladly accepted it. Ⅱ.句型训练 1.He was_born_in_poverty,_but it was his_hard_work_and_determination_that_got_him_into the medical school. 他出身贫穷,但是他的努力与决心使他进入了医学院。 2.Chaplin devoted_all_his_life_to_movies. 卓别林把毕生都献给了电影。 3.The film is_set_in California about the poor people panning for gold but he made_the_sad_situation_entertaining. 影片以加利福尼亚为背景,是关于贫苦的淘金人的,但他却使悲凉的遭遇变得有趣。 4.He is a failure_as_an_artist,_but a success as an art teacher. 他不是个成功的艺术家,但却是个成功的美术教师。 5.Einstein, who lived_his_last_years_of_his_life in the USA, felt_content_with his life. 在美国度过了余生的爱因斯坦对生活感到满意。 6.Shortage of water is a_continuing_problem_in_the_west_area_of_China,_which should be paid attention to by the government. 水资源短缺在中国西部是个持续的问题,应当引起政府的注意。 7.What most people hate most is being_laughed_at_in_public. 大多数人最恨被当众嘲笑。 8.Collecting_information is of great importance to a businessman. 收集信息对于一个商人来说很重要。 Ⅲ.语法填空 Before accepting a job offer, you should consider seriously __1__ the job is really what you want to do. Why are you interested in this position? The reasons for __2__ (take) a job mainly depend on your desires and your ability. It may be okay to take a job that is not something you __3__ (real) want to do right now, if it allows you to get into a __4__ (good) position in the future. Furthermore, you should consider the company __5__ offers you the position. Is it a good company __6__ (work) for? Does it share your values? If not, does this matter __7__ you? One of the most __8__ (satisfy) parts of a job for many people is that the job __9__ (challenge) them. It allows them to think and focus on __10__ (problem). It's more than just a desk job ... ...

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