

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:45次 大小:2624558Byte 来源:二一课件通
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B Positions Contact Sunrise High School, Age: between 25 and 4 Chemistry teacher 3 years of teaching experience Shanghai Tel:021-88065432 Masters degree Age: between 26 and 35 Xiangya Hospital, Tel:0731-41325357 At least 4 years of working experience E-mail: nsh(a xiangya Age: over 20 Amy Taxi, Hangzhou Drive Tel:0571-2893461 E-mail:hr@amytaxi.com 3. If you want to work as a chemistry teacher, what should you do? A Go to Sunrise High School, Changsha B. Call at021-88065432. C Send an e-mail to hr @amytaxi com 44. Who can get the job as a nurse C Sherry, 40, 4 years of working experience, Masters degree 45. Where can you probably read the information B. In a textbook 第二节短文理解阅读下面的短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回 答问题或完成句子.(共10小题,计20分) Last week, I watched a film called Coraline with my friends. The scary film is based on the book Coraline by British writer Neil Gaiman. But here is the thing: children had better watch this film with adults into her new home with her family. This might sound fun, out her parents are boring. They hate mud(ie)and do not let her play in the garden. They cook terrible food, and worst of all, they don't talk to her often because they are both busy working. However, things begin to change after Coraline finds a small hidden door and a road leading her to a new world. Everything is perfect there. Her parents are funny and they buy her everything she wants. Coraline is really happ her-all the people there have buttons(H n)for eyes. One day, Coraline is asked if she wants to put buttons into her own eyes so

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