
小学英语六年级上册课件Unit 1 Lesson 1 I'm New Here

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:18次 大小:14491648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 1 I’m New Here. 预学案 Review: What are you doing? I’m planting trees. What are you doing? We are playing badminton. 探究案 watching TV listening to music doing my homework eating ice cream playing basketball Practice: What is she doing? -She is ........ What is he doing? -He is...... What's the matter of the boy? ??? What grade is the boy in? What class is the boy in? What class is TingTing in? ??? ??? What’s the boy’s name? ??? What are TingTing's classmates doing? 展学案 1 .Read the dialogue by yourself. 2.Read the dialogue with your partners. 3.Act the dialogue withyour partners.

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