
Unit 1 Lesson 1 I'm New Here.教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:96次 大小:22214Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 School life Lesson1 I’m new here   一、教学内容   Unit 1 A: Read and say.   二、教学目标   1、 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。   2、 正确运用日常交际用语Welcome! May I know your name? I’m new here.   3、 能正确的听、说、读 单词 wash ride clean classroom classmate class grade   三、 教学重点   能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话   四、 教学难点   流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话   五、 课前准备   1、 人物图片  人物头饰 2、 单词卡片  One class hour 教学过程(一)   Free talk   1、 Hello, nice to meet you.   2 、How are you ? / How are you this morning?   3 、Are you happy today?   4 、Welcome back to school.   5、 Good morning. Glad to meet you. Welcome back to school.   (二)  Presentation and practice: Ask and answer   1、Good morning, boys and girls . Glad to meet you . Welcome back to school. 出示 Welcome back to school. 理解并领读。   2、I have many pictures here .I like them very much. Do you like them?   出示所有的图片   3、根据出示的照片复习单词 boy , girl,man, woman   4、Do you know these boys and girls? (出示Wang Ting,Sam Smithl图)   (1)  Who’s this boy? (Who’s that boy?) He’s _____. He’s a student. (学习新单词student ) (2)  Who’s this girl? (Who’s that girl?)   She’s _____. She’s a student.   (三)  Play a game (通过游戏复习并学习新的日常交际用语)   1、闭上眼睛猜一猜:   (1) A: Who’s that _____?   B: He’s(She’s) _____.   A: He’s (She’s) a _____.   B: You’re right. ( You’re wrong)   (2) A: Excuse me. Are you _____?   B:: No, I’m not.   A: Are you _____?   B: Yes , I am. 2、让一学生戴上Sam 头饰让另一学生猜   T: Who’s this boy?   S: He’s _____.   T: No, you’re wrong.   S: Are you _____?   B: No, I’m not.   S: Are you _____?   B:  No, I’m Sam.   (四) Work in pairs   1、Sam 和Wang Ting:    Welcome to our school. 2、 学生对话 Two class hours   学习: I’m new here.   Welcome to our school. Step1 朗读课文   1、 听录音,跟读。   2、分段分角色朗读。   Step2 Act the dialogue   创设情境老师与学生的对话,然后学生与学生对话,Model:   A: Hello, I’m Sam. I’m New here.   B: Hello, I’m _____. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our school.   A: Thank you. Who’s that woman?   B: She’s Miss _____. She’s our English teacher.   A: Who’s that boy?   B: He’s _____ . He’s a student. (He’s my classmate.)   A: Oh, time to go to class. Let’s go to the classroom.   B: OK. Let’s go.   1、 老师与学生示范   2 、同桌准备   3、 同桌表演   Step 3 Homework   1、 听录音朗读对话。   2、 根据课文内容自编小对话,下节课表演。 Three class hours 一、 教学内容   B: Work in pairs;   C: Listen and practise .   二、 教学目标   1、 能正确地听、说、读、写phrase: clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, wait for a classmate, etc. 2、 能听、说、读、写句型what are you doing? I am/we are . What is she/he ... ...

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