
高考英语一轮巩固~人教必修五 Unit 1+2核心考点解析+典例示范

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:30次 大小:140288Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Great scientists核心考点解析+典例示范 absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心;理解 [教材原句]  The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. 第二种看法是人们是在吃饭时把这种病毒引入体内的。 [归纳拓展] (1)absorb ... from ...    从……中吸收…… absorb ... into ... 把……吸收入…… absorb oneself in 专心于;全神贯注于 (2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的 (be) absorbed in ... 全神贯注于…… [多角练透] ?单句语法填空 ①Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil. ②It takes a few minutes to absorb alcohol into the bloodstream. ③Absorbed (absorb) in his work, he simply forgot to have supper and sleep. [一句多译] 一缕微弱的光线从墙上的小孔中透过来,他正在专心致志地读书。 ④A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he absorbed himself in his reading. ⑤A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was absorbed in his reading. [联想发散] be absorbed in (doing) sth.结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式absorbed in ...。 类似的结构还有: ①be lost in ...  陷入……;专心致志于…… ②be caught in ... 被困在…… ③be buried in ... 埋头于…… ④be devoted to ... 致力于……;专心于…… ⑤be occupied in ... 忙于…… ⑥be involved in ... 专注于……   attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加 [教材原句]  John Snow was a famous doctor in London — so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. 约翰·斯诺是伦敦一位著名的医生———他的确医术精湛,因而成了维多利亚女王的私人大夫。 [归纳拓展] attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听讲座/上学 attend (on/upon) sb. 照顾某人;伺候某人 attend to 处理;对付;接待(顾客);专心;注意 [典例示范] ①The patients are well attended in the hospital.照顾;护理 ②You know, my uncle Li Ming is flying to the city where you live to attend an international meeting.出席;参加 ③She was praised for having attended on/upon her sick mother?in?law for over thirty years. 她伺候生病的婆婆三十多年,受到人们的称赞。 ④He offered to go and attend to the matter. 他主动提出来去处理那件事了。 blame vt.责备;谴责;把……归咎于n.过失;责备 [教材原句]  It seemed that the water was to blame. 看来水是罪魁祸首。 [归纳拓展] (1)blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事 blame sth.on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for) 应(为……)承担责任;该(为……)受责备 (2)put/lay the blame for sth. on ... 将某事归咎于…… [典例示范] ①She blamed her husband for the failure of their marriage. ②She blamed the failure of their marriage on her husband. ③She laid the blame for the failure of their marriage on her husband. ④I am not to blame for my laziness, mum. I'm what you have made me. 妈妈,你不该责备我懒惰。我这么懒也是你娇惯出来的。 [名师指津]  be to blame短语中blame不能用被动形式,该短语为主动形式表示被动含义。 challenge n.挑战vt.向……挑战 [教材原句]  John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. 约翰·斯诺想面对这个挑战,解决这个问题。 [归纳拓展] (1)face the challenge      面临挑 ... ...

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