
外研版英语八年级下Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles单词语法导学案(1课时无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:50次 大小:47616Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学科 英语 年级 八年级下 主备人 宋金玲 序号 831? 课题 Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles 单词语法导学案 学习目标 1.谈论计划和将来的活动。2.掌握and,but,or连接的并列复合句。3.交际用语。 ? 课前导学 本模块中需要掌握的单词有:list,crazy,shorts,trousers,sunglasses,total,passport,culture,last,depend,provide,test,progress,prefer,等。 本模块中需要掌握的短语有:make a list, at the end of, at the same time, stay in touch with, fill out,depend on, pay for, by the way 等 词汇学习 1、学生个人记忆时间??? 2、组内互查单词的背诵 ? ? 语法聚焦 ? ? 1、学生自学有关并列句的用法。P... 2、学生小组交流总结。 3、经典句型:…it sounds crazy but I don’t know what to take. Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers. I’m leaving at the end of July and I’m going to stay there four weeks.. 4.并列连词 1. 概念 并列句是指由并列连词and,but,or等把两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。 2. 并列复合句的构成 基本结构:简单句 + 并列连词 + 简单句。例如: I help him and he helps me. 我帮助他,他帮助我。 3. 并列连词前后两简单句之间的关系 (1)并列关系。例如: They are watching TV and the others are listening to the radio. 他们在看电视,其他人在听广播。 (2)选择关系。例如: The children can go with us, or they can stay at home.孩子们可以跟我们走,也可以待在家里。 (3)转折关系。例如: He was tired, but he didn't stop working. 他感到疲惫,但是没有停止工作。 4. 使用并列复合句要注意的几种情况 (1)并列复合句有时不使用连词,而用分号隔开(前后两句之间的关系须相当紧密)。例如: We fished all day; we did not catch a single fish. 我们钓了一天鱼;我们一条鱼都没有钓到。 (2)并列连词后的简单句如果与其前的简单句有相同的部分,则相同部分可以省略。例如: Snoopy lives in his own world and (Snoopy) finds real life is hard to understand. 史努比生活在自己的世界里,发现现实生活难以理解。 小组互动 Ⅰ.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 try out, take part in, grow up, stay in touch with, depend on, fill out, form friendships with, take trips to 1.Yesterday many top students the composition competition. 2.Our school Beijing No. 11 Middle School three years ago. 3.Whether to go for a picnic tomorrow抯 weather. 4.Mr Brown many famous places in Beijing last year. 5.Our middle school teacher always us by QQ. 6.The little boy is always thinking about strange ideas and then he often them . 7.My son wants to be a scientist when he . 8.To learn more about your information, please this form. II. 用适当的连词填空 1. Work hard, _____ you will pass the driving test. 2. Stop cutting trees, _____ the earth will become worse and worse. 3. They bought Granny a present ____ she liked it very much. 4. They all went to the cinema ____I didn't. 5. Hello, Mr. Huang! I'm sorry, ____I don't think I know you. 6. The little boy is very young _____ he can look after himself well. 7. Go along the street, turn to the left at the end of the street ____ you抣l find the post office. 8. Some are reading newspapers, _____ others are playing basketball. 9. Be careful, _____ you will fall off the bike. 10. My aunt doesn't have much money ... ...

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