
Unit 5 What does he do? Part A let’s talk & Let's learn课件+ 素材(34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:20次 大小:17363106Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Sing a song. What jobs can you hear? He works in a . factory He is a factory worker. Parents’ Day 家长开放日 Today is Parents’ Day. Who will come? Is Oliver's father here today? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Listen and choose. Where is Oliver’s father now? He’s in_____. 澳大利亚地图 Australia What does Oliver's father do? He’s a _____. businessman business 商业 man businessman post 邮寄 man + postman → → + He often goes to other(其它) _____. China Canada Australia brother mother countries country What does Oliver's mother do? She’s a _____. head teacher I am an English teacher. I want to be a head teacher. Mrs Cheng is our head teacher. What does Oliver want to be? He _____ to be a_____. Read and say. wants businessman Listen and imitate. S=Sarah O=Oliver S: Is your father here today? O: No.// He’s in Australia. S: What does he do? O: He’s a businessman. // He often goes to other countries. S: And//what does your mother do ? O: She's a head teacher. S: That's nice. O: Yeah.// She'll be here today. S: Do you want to be a head teacher,too? O: No,// I want to be a businessman. Role Play 2人一组角色扮演 朗读 语音语调 背诵 语音语调准确 语气自然 不看课本 生动的表演 A: What does your father do? B: He is a doctor. A: What does your mother do? B: She is an actress. word bank:taxi driver/cleaner/writer/singer/dancer/actor /actress/artist/football player/ housewife/businessman/ doctor/nurse/teacher... Pairwork:拿出家人照片,同桌对话, 加动作表演 Dreaming career A:What are your hobbies? B:I like... A:What do you want to be? B:I want to be a/an... Step 1: 小组内用句型询问 并填写: Step 2: 一人汇报,其他人表演 I like singing. I want to be a singer. Amy likes dancing. She wants to be a dancer. ___likes_____. He/She wants to be a/an___. word bank:writer/singer/dancer/actor/actress/artist/football player/ /businessman/doctor/nurse/teacher... What can you see from the cover? (从封面上看到了什么?) Respect every job. No matter what you really want to be, please remember try your best for your dreaming career. You will be successful! 尊重每一种职业。请记住: 不管你的梦想是什么,只要你用心去追逐,就一定能成功。 teach--teacher sing--singer clean--cleaner dance--dancer write--writer act--actor business--businessman/businesswoman What rules can you find? (你能发现什么规律?) jobs -man/-woman -er -r -or Homework: Make a minibook about your career. (制作一个关于你的梦想职业的小绘本。) Thank you!

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