
Unit 5 There is a big bed PA Let's talk & learn 课件+ 素材(27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:97次 大小:41382782Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 There is a big bed PA Let's talk & learn Let's try Listen and tick. What's in the room? Sarah and Mike are in Zhang Peng's puter TV Listen and follow Zhang Peng: Let’s play computer games, Mike! Mike: OK, but where is the computer? Zhang Peng: There is a computer in my bedroom. Mike: Great! Sarah, can you play computer games? Sarah: Yes, I can. Let’s go. Task 1: Watch the cartoon and answer (看卡通,回答下面问题。) 在看卡通的时候我们要获取关键信息。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示): ① ② Let's talk Is the bed big or small? Is the photo nice? Task 1: Read and answer (自己读,回答下面问题。) 在读文本的时候,我们要获取关键信息。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示): ①Is the bed big or small? ② Is the photo nice? There is a big bed. There is a nice photo, too. Language point There is a nice photo,too. There?be?句型的用法:? 表示某个地方存在某物或某人,可以翻译成有的意思。表达某个人拥有某样东西时则用have/has。 例如:-There?is?a?table?in?the?room. 房间(地方)里有一张桌子。 - I?have?a?pen. 我(人)有一支钢笔。 Group work 1. 3人一组合作朗读。 2. 分角色表演对话。 3.情景展示表演。 Show time Hi, friends! This is my room.There is a computer. There is a big bed. There is a nice photo.What can you see in my room? clock n. 时钟;钟 What time is it? It's 8 o’clock.It's time for English class. class →→clock photo phone →→photo n. 照片;相片 The man is riding a bike. Look! There is a photo of bike. bike n. 自行车;脚踏车 I like to ride my bike. What’s this? It's an ant. It's playing. There is an ant playing on a plant. plant n. 植物 There are many plants in my room. Zhang Peng rides a bike to school every day. He’s often thirsty. So he always takes a water bottle in his bag. Where is his water bottle? bottle n. 瓶子 little apple There are 2 water bottles near a plant. clock photo plant water bottle bike Clock, clock, there is a clock. Photo, photo, there is a photo. Plant ,plant,there is a plant. Water bottle, water bottle, there is a water bottle. Bike , bike, there is a bike. There is a/an… Ask and answer What can you see in the picture? There is... a ball a dog a schoolbag an apple a banana a plate an English book a computer a desk Let's say _____ in the picture. _____ on the desk. _____ on the plate. _____ in the schoolbag. There ... There is a desk There is a plate There is a banana There are some books The desk is messy. We should put the things in order. Keep our room clean. (桌子很乱,我们应该及时整理个人物品,并且保持房间整洁。) summary 1、本节课我学会了用-There is a/an...? 描述某处有一个某物。 2、学会了五个居家物品的单词:clock, photo, water bottle, plant, bike。 Homework 1.Make a mind map about the room.(每人设计本节课的思维导图) 2.Clean your room and put the things in order.(打扫自己的房间,整理好自己的物品。) ... ...

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