
人教版PEP五年级上册Unit5 There is a big bed A Let's spell 课件(共49张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:75次 大小:80971109Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit5 There is a big bed A. Let's spell Teaching aims: 知识目标: 1、知道元音字母组合ay、ai的发音。 2、能认读含有字母组合ay、ai的单词,并知道其含义。 3、会读故事。 技能目标: 1、能够对字母组合ay、ai与辅音字母进行拼读。 2、能够正确理解故事含义,并能朗读和表演。 情感、态度、价值观目标:养成遇到新词自主拼读的习惯。 A Let’s spell (The vowel pairs ay ai) Unit 5 There is a big bed Brainstrom(头脑风暴) Kay a-e ake c Kay lives in a bay.(海湾) Kay, Kay, Kay, bay, bay, bay, Kay lives in a bay! Kay’s birthday Today is Monday. It’s Kay’s birthday. Happy birthday! Let’s say “Happy birthday!” to Kay. This is the way to her bay. Today is Monday. It’s Kay’s birthday. Let’s say “Happy birthday!” to Kay. This is the way to her bay. today Monday say birthday ay What do you find? Kay way bay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay a y p b d m l r pl Let’s spell It’s rainy today. Kay is sad. She says to rain “Rain,rain,go away,I want to play.” Rain,rain,go away. There is a rainbow after rain. Kay,Kay,can’t wait.Let’s paint a rainbow today. Kay,Kay,can’t wait.Let’s paint a rainbow today. It’s rainy today. Kay is sad. She says to rain “Rain,rain,go away,I want to play.” Rain,rain,go away. There is a rainbow after rain. r ny r nbow ai What’s missing? w t p nt ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai . n ain ain ain ain ain g m ain f ain r ain p pain t y rain ow b rain Let’s chant Let’s chant Read and repeat Read and answer ai ay Aa a i ai ai ai 单词中间站好队。 a y ay ay ay 单词词尾站好队。 What can you find? Let’s spell I cannot wait. I cannot wait. My birthday is on Monday. I cannot wait. I cannot wait. It’s going to be a fun day. Let’s chant! Listen and circle TASK 1 is a day. Let’s a . is . Listen and write TASK 2 Tick(?) or cross(?) TASK 3 1.bag cake ( ) 2.cat tail ( ) 3.rainy game ( ) 4.wait away ( ) 5.cave say ( ) ? ? ? ? ? Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ay ai rainy rainbow paint wait rain say way always birthday Monday may day today story Time Read the story by yourselves.Try to circle the words with “ay” and “ai”. Spain hooray tail sailor train play wait Try to spell the words. Role-play Jay: I want to go to Spain. May: Me too. Let’s go! Jay: Let’s go to Spain by train. May: Good idea! Train driver(火车司机): It’s time to go. I can’t wait. Bye! May&Jay: Wait! Wait! Wait! Jay: Let’s go to Spain by ship. May: OK! Sailor(水手): It’s time to go. I can’t wait. Bye! May&Jay: Wait! Wait! Wait! Jay: Let’s go to Spain on foot. May: OK! May: It’s a long way! Jay: Let’s play a game! May: OK! Jay: Catch my tail! (来抓我的尾巴呀!) May: Catch my tail! Jay: It’s fun. May: Where are we? Jay: Oh! We are in Spain. May&Jay: Hooray! Let's wrap it up. There are old sayings: No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 Read the words after the tape. P50 First Then Finally Write down more words with “ai” and “ay”. Share the ... ...

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