
Unit5 There is a big bed A let’s talk&learn 课件+素材(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:34次 大小:161890539Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 There is a big bed A let’s talk&learn Let’s enjoy a song What’s this? It’s a_. Free talk The rooms are really nice! Let’s try Sarah: Zhang Peng: Let’s play computer games,Mike!. Mike: OK,but where is the computer? Zhang Peng: There is a computer in my bedroom. Mike: Great!Sarah,can you play computer games? Yes,I can.Let’s go. a computer in my bedroom. 单数有 there be There is Let’s talk Watch the video Is the computer on the desk? Yes, there is a computer on the desk. What else is in Zhang Peng’s bedroom? a ___ . There is big bed There is a nice . ph to o /?U/ Hey,my computer is here on the desk. 复数有 There are have Sarah: Your room is really nice! Zhang Peng: Thanks. Mike: There is a big bed. Zhang Peng: Yes. I like my bed. Mike: There is a nice photo, too. Sarah: Wow! You look cool! Zhang Peng: Thank you. Hey,my computer is here on the desk. Let's play! Dialogue test: Level 1 Listen and imitate 模仿跟读,注意升降调! Dialogue test: Level 2 Read in roles Retell the dialouge Dialogue test:Level 3 This is my room. It is really_. There is a_. There is a_ . There is a _on the_. I like my room. Picture book Maggie’s house What is in the house? There is a lot of furniture in the house. 1 How many rooms are there in the house? They are , , , There are 5 rooms. What are they? bedroom study room living room bathroom and kitchen. What is in the bedroom? Maggie is in the bedroom. There is a bed. 2 What does it use for(作用)? It is good for sleeping. 3 4 study room desk Maggie is in the . There is a . Maggie is in the . There is a . living room sofa She can . study at the desk It is . great for relaxing 5 6 Maggie is in the . Maggie is in the . There is a . There is a . bathroom kitchen cabinet table She can . It is . put things in it perfect for eating 7 We should arrange our furniture and reasonably. 我们应该合理的摆放我们的家具 We should take good care of our school things,too. Keep our classroom clean. 我们还应该好好对待我们的学习用品。 保持我们的教室整洁。 Summary What have you learned today? Thank you!

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