
牛津上海版英语八年级上册期末阅读D篇练习(10篇) (有答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:44680Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津上海英语初二第一学期期末阅读D篇练习10篇 1、 D. Read the passage and answer the questions.(根据短文内容完整回答下列问题)5分 On a damp,boring stay-in-house kind of day,I was a 4-year-old artist armed with a new treasure:my own big box of crayons(蜡笔). Somehow, the usual paper wasn’t special enough for these 64 perfect, sweet-smelling sticks of vivid color. I looked around for a bigger canvas(画布). If only there were hidden walls. Walls like the ones in Mom and Dad’s closet. Slipping quietly down the hall to the bedroom, I stood on tiptoe to reach the string for the closet light. Words and images filled my mind faster than my hands could make them. A brilliant rainbow was seen on one wall, with a cheery golden sun peeking out from above. Below, a giant shade tree supported a swing for stick-figure children. Around them, flowers bloomed everywhere. My masterpiece! All my very own magic! I look in the walls, the colors and the brightness. Joy swelled inside me. But aseativity wound down, a thought popped up: I’ve got to sh! Suddenly I was still. Mom called out, “Dinner’s ready.” After a short time, her footsteps approached, and then finally, the closet door opened. I stood nervously in the corner. eathed in sharply, then stood frozen. Only her eyes moved as she slowly looked oveasterpiece. She was quiet for a long, long time. I didn’t dare breathe. Finally, she turned to me. “I like it,” she said, “No, I love it! I feel I have a new closet!” Now, 45 years later, my childhood artwork is still there. And inn house, the closet walls are masterpieces, too, createdn daughters when they were little girls. Every time I open a closet door, I remember that, as big as that box of crayons and white walls seemed when I was little,nther’s love was the biggest thing of all. 81.How old was the writer when the story took place? 82.What ended up being the writer’s canvas? 83.How did the writer feel when she finished her masterpiece? 84.Why was the writer so nervous when her mom was approaching? 85.How do you like the writer’s mother?Please give your reason(s) 2 D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(6分) WHAT do the words outback, dingo (澳洲土狗), and barbie (烧烤野餐) have in common? They’re words unique to Australia! People often use the word unique to describe Australia. The country is unique in many ways! Australia is the only country that is also a continent (洲). It is the smallest continent but the sixth largest country in the world. People often call Australia the “land down under” because it lies south of the equator (赤道). Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606, and the British began to settle there in 1788. Many settlers were British prisoners sent to live in Australian as punishment. Over the next 80 years, about 160,000 prisoners were sent to Australia, according to BBC. Australia is a country where immigration is important. Over a quarter of people who live in Australia were born in other countries ... ...

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