
外研版(2019)必修二课时作业:Unit 2 Let‘s celebrate! ??Starting?out? (原题版+解析版) Word版含答案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:53次 大小:48087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Let’s celebrate! Period?1? Starting?out?and?Understanding?ideas?同步达标检测原题版 拓展词汇: 1._____v.向······表示敬意→honourable adj.可敬的;光荣的 2._____n.装饰物→decorate vi.& vt.装饰;装修 3._____n.自由;自由权利→free adj.自由的 4._____v.参加;参与→participation n.参加;参与 5._____n.(社会上的)不平等→equal adj.平等的→equality n.平等→equally adv.平等地 6._____adj.无限的→limit n.(常作复数)范围→limited adj.有限的 7._____adj.频繁的;经常的→regularly adv.有规律地;定期地;经常 8._____v.抱怨;不满;发牢骚→complaint n.抱怨 9._____n.警告;警示;告诫→warn v.警告 10._____v.表明;显示→indication n.迹象;表示;标示 11._____u.吸引;引起······的兴趣→attractive adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的→attraction n.吸引;吸引力 12._____n.比赛;竞赛→compete vi.比赛;竞争→competitor n.竞争者→competitive adj.有竞争力的 13._____v.(不情愿地)承认→admitted adj.公认的;被承认了的→admission n.承认;认可 14._____n.失去;丧失→lose vt.失去;丢失→过去式/过去分词lost/lost→lost adj.丢失的;迷失的 15._____adj.退休的→retire vi.&vt.(使)退休→retirement n.退休 16._____v.存在;实际上有→existence n.存在 17._____ adj.挨饿的;即将饿死的→starve v.挨饿 18._____ adj.全球的;全世界的→globalization n.全球化 19. _____ v.互动→interaction n.互动,相互作用 20._____ n.欢欣,愉快→joyful adj.愉快的 II.重点词汇夯实练 1. ①His colleagues honoured him_____ his bravery. ②Yuan Longping is honoured _____the father of Chinese hybrid rice. ③I feel honoured _____(invite) to give you a lecture on how to improve English reading ability. ④We celebrate Mother's Day honour of our mothers. ①His wife is always complaining_____ his laziness. ②Not a single person has made_____ (complain) to the manager the poor quality of the food so far. ③Betty complained _____ Steve that Sara never gave her a chance to talk. 3. ①Tom warned us _____ the serious situation in Iraq, and told us not to go there to travel. ②We've just heard a_____ (warn) on TV that a heavy rain may be on the way. ③a.My father warned me not_____ (go) to the seaside where it was crowded with tourists. b. My father warned me _____ going to the seaside where it was crowded with tourists. 4. ①Don't respond to any e-mails_____ (request) personal information, no matter how official they look. ②a. Mr.Li requests that we_____ (spend) half an hour reading English aloud every morning. b.Mr.Li requests us_____ (spend) half an hour reading English aloud every morning. ③You'd sound a lot more polite if you make_____ request in the form of a question. 5.The tourist_____ is so_____ that it_____ a great many visitors every year. (attract) 6.①Dana admitted _____ (feel) hurt by what I had said. ②News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted _____ Beijing University. ③No one can go into my room without my_____ (admit). 7.①No one can achieve anything_____ effort. ②Spare no effort _____ (acquire) knowledge and never get discouraged easily. ③I decide to make more efforts _____ (improv ... ...

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