
外研版(2019)必修二课时作业:Unit 3 On the move Developing ideas (原题版+解析版) Word版含答案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:40844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 On the move Period?3? Developing ideas and Presenting ideas同步达标检测解析版 I.单元要点回扣练 A.重点短语集锦 1._____尽情地,心满意足地 2._____追潮到:回溯到 3._____拆除:出故障;(身体)垮下来 4._____(战争、战斗或疾病)爆发 5._____以······为例 6._____放下 7._____记录······;与······保持联系:了解······的动态 8._____(与······)保持联系 9._____参加 10._____即将发生 11._____反过来;依次;轮流地 12._____消失,绝迹,灭绝 答案: 1. to one's heart's content 2. go back 3. breakdown 4. break out 5. take...for example 6. put down 7.keep track of 8. get in touch (with) 9. take part in 10. around the corner 11. in turn 12. die out B.重点短语语境活用 1.The dark clouds suggest a heavy rain is_____. 2. He attempted to _____his classmates after graduation but without success. 3. If these animals and plants _____,we will never see them again. 4.As is known to us,World War I _____in 1914. 5. Travel will make you experience a different life, and _____make you well-rounded. 6. If you carry on working like that, you'll _____sooner or later. 答案: 1.around the corner 2. get in touch with 3.die out 4. broke out 5.in turn 6. break down C.重点句型荟萃 1.现在分词短语作后置定语 It was then known as cuju(kick ball),a game using a ball of animal skins with hair inside. 它当时被称为蹴鞠(踢球),是一种用兽皮做成的球,球里面有毛。 2.be+adj.+to do It is also a game that is very cheap to play. 这也是一种非常便宜的游戏。 3.see+宾语+宾补 All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags. 在世界各地,你都可以看到孩子们尽情地踢由塑料袋做成的球。 4.不定式作表语 What he is interested in is to collect stamps. 他感兴趣的是集邮。 D.重点句型语境活用 1.When we arrived at the Forbidden City, we_____ to buy tickets. 当我们到达故宫时,我们发现很多人在排队等候买票。 2.Don't answer any e?mail _____. 不要回复任何询问你个人信息的电子邮件。(现在分词作定语) 3.一旦你理解了这些定律,物理就不难学了。(be+adj.+to do) Physics _____ once you understand the rules. 4.Entering the yard,I _____ lots of fallen leaves. 进入院子,我看到它覆盖着许多落叶。(see+宾语+宾补) 答案: 1. saw so many people waiting in line 2. asking for your personal information 3.is easy to learn 4.saw it covered with III.阅读理解 A We all know that exercise is good for your health,but some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running,for example,may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems.Running may also help you live longer.Researchers say it is not important how far you run.It also does not matter how fast or even how often you run.As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say,“Just do it.” Recently,researchers studied more than 55,000 adults.About one?fourth of the adults reported running regularly.The study found these runners were considerably less likely than non?runners to die of any form of disease,including heart disease.In fact,the runners usually lived three years longer than the ... ...

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